So with the new DLC just a few weeks away, it would also seem that Xur will become obsolete. The new exotics are with the DLC, you know, paid content. Since there happens to be people with varying reasons for not wanting to get the new DLC, Xur can't go on selling these new exotics just like he can't sell playstation exclusives. With only 4 more weapons, and Heart of Praxic Fire left on his stock that we've yet to see, Xur's usefulness will cease to exist. Even now we have Guardians who spam forums each week about how Xur has nothing new, so just imagine how dull Xur is going to become after his stock is cycled through completely. Of course, this would also make Friday forums just a bit more dull because there won't be 100!(Factorial) threads about "Earners" vs "Xurners"
Edit 1: for those who don't purchase dlc, they will forver be stuck with the same stock xur has, and will eventually find him obsolete. Those with dlc, and all the new stuff will also find that xur cannot sell new stuff, so they will tire of his old crap, and also find him obsolete
Edit 2: people seem to think i'll cry when dlc releases and i'm wrong. Well i certainly hope you don't wait on an empty stomach because those delicious tears won't be coming any time soon
Edit 3: readings too hard. I'm not a earner, i buy gear from xur every week, and do my nightfall and weeklys as well for some rng earning.
Edit 4: gameinformer got first look at expansion, and all you doubters of my topic, looks like non expansion owners indeed do [b]Not[/b] get access to dlc exotics. So Xur is going to continue cycling his stock of non dlc exotics.
I only need 2 More exotic weps and will have them all (till the dlc) At that point i wont bother going to him