Every time I get any sort of legendary or exotic weapon or armor piece, if it takes Relic Iron, 9 times out of 10 I scrap the things.
I've watched a handful of videos, rolled with friends, but every time we get to Mars, it seems like either A) Relic Iron slept in and can't be found anywhere, or B) Everyone and their mother is already there
I don't know what to do anymore
My Timur's Lash may stay forever neglected (;_;)
1. Go to every spawn cave you see to watch for chests. 2. Get a ghost at the speaker who shows all nearby [i]resource[/i] on your HUN. 3. Have fun.
Edited by VIK_DOOM: 11/27/2014 1:28:42 AMYou suck You could be farming some but no, you're complaining instead.
Farming sucks. But once you find a good route in an area they are all easy. Tedious and time consuming. But easy.
For anyone having issues with farming relic iron, here's a good video guide with links to other planet farming routes in description. Guide begins at 1:30 One note though, if you see players there already. Please join in on them and follow from where they are. I can't stress enough how obnoxious it is to show up and interrupt someone's run, it throws off the spawns and causes delays along with players gaining less materials, be mindful of others.
The hollows loop is my favorite.
Relic iron is definitely one of the easiest mats to farm, I find spirit bloom the worst but they are all tolerable once you learn a decent route.
I have this problem with Relic Iron myself. It takes me FOREVER.
Dude use the farming route on Mars in Scablands, the bunker to bunker route. Starts slow for some people but you can bring in 150-200 relic iron an hour. The route is very easy to learn and loops perfectly, with public events happening relatively often.
It seems like most relic iron i get are from chests
2words Scab lands
its not that bad most of the time give a few minutes and ppl will clear, or just follow them, or visa versa that way will be a few of u when the public events roll up, shouldnt to to long bout an hour or so get 30 -45 if not more
Go to the scablands and there's a tooooon