After having played destiny for a good few weeks (Bungie shows a good six and a half or so days of in-game time), I felt driven to write up a critique on its major failings. These are both from my personal experiences and the experiences I've read online from others. This is a two part critique on the areas I feel Bungie has failed the most, though they result in the same thing.
But before I begin, I'd like to say that Destiny is a good game.
It's just that it could have been so much more...
Destiny: become legend. Or rather, Destiny: become whatever is given to you and feel grateful. When I first went through the story, everything was new and somewhat exciting, but not only that, everything was different. Guns ran through my hands like water, and I experienced a wide variety of perks and stats and looks. But when I reached level 20, this all came to a halt. Guns no longer ran thorugh my hands. Instead, I was devoid of anything new, anything likable.
Eventually, I found Xur, the Vanguard store, and the factions, and I began my quest to become like everyone else. The armor didn't have stats I liked, but I needed the light. They didn't have the perks I wanted, but I needed the light. It was going to take weeks to earn the marks to buy them, but I needed the light.
At first, I didn't upgrade any of the vanguard pieces because I hated them. I held onto my energies and shards like scrooge with his precious gold, but in the end: I needed the light.
By now, I've become much more pliable: I don't scrimp my ascendent materials, because more likely than not, what I want is never going to happen.
Destiny has turned me into a pessimist.
Whatever happened to "Become Legend?"
Look at the legends in game.
Kabr refused to be bowed down, and ripped the face off of a Gorgon to make a shield. What a guy.
Toland pursued knowledge to the bitter end, eventually going mad.
Dredgen Yor felt darkness embracing him, and decided to embrace it back.
Me? I'm a nobody. A nobody in a sea of nobodies doing nobody things and buying nobody items. We run the same nobody quests and strikes and turn in the same nobody bounties. We're not legends: we're nobodies.
When I look at my fellow warlocks, I see my face on every one. The one who molded my character molded each and every one of them, and we all look the same and use the same weapons.
Everyone wears the voidfang vestments nowadays. There's no reason not to, and more likely than not, it's one of the few exotics they've had the chance to own.
Guns? They're so rare, just like the armor. You either buy what Xur is selling or buy from a faction.
End of story.
You're "Legend."
I don't feel legend.
I don't feel unique.
I feel empty.
Which leads to my second point, which is the fullness of Destiny. No, this is not about the story.
This is about the dichotomy of what I have been told and what truly is.
They tell me that we are on the losing side. Earth, Mars, Venus, the Moon, the rest of the known universe: all are held in a stranglehold by the darkness.
The earth is empty. The moon is calm.
Where is the chaos?
Where is the overwhelming darkness?
Where is the need for guardians?
Patrol feels so empty. I stroll through the hive for no reason. I collect spinmetal plants under gunfire because I simply don't care. If they tell me Mr. Nexus has overstayed his welcome on Venus, I deliver an eviction notice. Aksor broke his curfew? Reign him back in. The Psions got out? Put a belt to their backside.
A phrase comes to mind "Born too late to explore the world, too early to explore the universe."
This is what playing destiny feels like. The fall seems so interesting, but it's over and done. People like Kabr and Toland and Dredgen played their parts.
On the flipside, the impending darkness is too far away to be dealt with, too remote to encounter.
Our guardians live in a time of peace, striving not to survive, but to simply find adventure wherever they can. Guardians are not legends: they are bored.
Strikes are boring. The dailies are boring. Patrol is boring. In the end, you do your weekly, your nightfall, your dailies, your raid, and your farming, and that's it. Evil doesn't care, and neither do you. You're both just going through the motions.
The fallen aren't actually maintining strength on earth, they just want to look like it. The hive don't actually care about the moon, they just felt like building a fortress. The cabal don't really care that you're on mars, they just get their jollies from shooting off explosives. You're not really in a struggle for your life against the forces of darkness, you're just doing whatever you feel like.
Where are the front lines to this great battle? Commander, send me to the front! I want action! I want to feel like I'm making a difference in this universe! I don't want to be an errand boy any longer! I don't want to post any more eviction notices!
But there is no war.
There is only mundanity and repitition. There is a faceless darkness that is halfheartedly taking over the universe. It will take over the last bastion of men not by force, but by boring us to death.
I am a nobody being bored to death by a faceless entity. I'm the futuristic, space magic-ey equivalent of a man-child in his grandma's basement thinking he's sticking it to the man.
In reality, I'm doing nothing, and the man doesn't care.
I want to feel like I am the master of my own destiny, not like I'm living off the charity of Lakshmi (though she is very charitable, and I love her for it) and Lord Saladin (ty for the boots and gloves m8, appreciate it). I want to feel like the darkness truly is trying to destroy mankind, not like it's sitting on its respective planets, sipping martinis.
[b]I want to feel not only like I'm making a difference, but that there's a difference that needs to be made. [/b]
This explains it
The Destiny franchise has been designed around Bungie's 10 year publishing agreement with publisher Activision Blizzard. This isn't news. The implication with that is, investments need to be returned in a timely manner. This means Bungie has to constrain their development time to meet deadlines. Which typically means release with bugs, patch later. There is no piece of software that exists (far as I'm aware), that isn't riddled with bugs and glitches. So imperfections are to be expected. However bugs and glitches aren't Destiny's problem. The problem is that Destiny isn't fun. It's just a re-skinning of already existing game mechanics (that's why it's often compared with, World of Warcraft, Borderlands etc.), and does very little to innovate. Bungie have the liberty of taking 10 years to improve this franchise and it seems that some 'loyal' fans are willing to keep funding Bungie in hopes of something great to arrive. When it comes to games, I'm loyal to having fun. The moment a game stops being fun, I stop playing. So 10 years of Destiny means nothing to me if Destiny isn't fun now. With gaming culture moving towards freemium-esque design (reinforcement scheduling), rather than sophisticated mechanics, complex strategies, emergent gameplay, contextualised achievements & rewards, skill based accolades/ rankings. Things that would really allow you to appreciate the value in the time spent doing something. Rather than very arbitrary item drops and time based levels. Bungie will do what ever they can to mitigate the lack of value in their game, but my standards are set high enough to recognise when something isn't worth my time & money. If you really want to invest time and money into exploring space and shooting, here's a game. Star Citizen! Destiny is a step(s) back from Halo, what a shame.
I stopped reading at your Kabr comment because... Did Kabr become legend in a week? In 100hrs? Do legends in real life become legends in a week? No. Come on, now...
Edited by Forbidden MA39: 11/29/2014 8:43:19 PMI Approve.
Jop, Feel the same in Time....
tl:dr hail hydra!!!
Very very we'll said clever and humorous. I agree. I love the game. I mean it is a good game. But it could be sooo much more. And they just give us empty promises which makes us want more
Same rehashed arguments from week 2....otherwise very well said
If you focus only on cons, while forsaking pro's, you are doing a disservice. Knowing what you think is good is just as important as what you think is bad. Thus, this comes across as just one big complaint. Further, you do not explain how you would go about fixing all of these things you're complaining about, which makes your post lack usefulness. If you really want to help, rewrite your post to include ideas on how Bungie could improve these deficiencies, as well as things you like about the game.
Wonderful explanation of the lack of story, and how i think we all feel. I'm right there with you and several other folks, i just can't stop playing. Had to take a break from Dragon Age's epic story just to do the nightfall this week. This game is almost like an empty addiction.
destiny is a shell of what it could been why put us in this time? why not put us in the time where traveler and darknes are really fighting and were in a full war i feel like a prequal would be better than a sequal
Yup. If you look at my profile, you can see I put in a TON of time. A literal ton. It's sad. But like many games that someone sinks time into, eventually it will just be...boring. It's the natural lifespan of a game. It's a sad day when your bored because you know that you will need to move on. I love Destiny. I love the people, community, and "promise of tomorrow." But whats the point of tomorrow when today sucks? I feel like a Guardian about to take the Long Plunge off the Tower. I used to run the raid every week/ multiple nothing. Nightfalls/Weekly's...not anymore Bounties?.....stopped long ago. Conclusion- Agreed 100%. I love Destiny but there is no "Legend" just a lot of time wasted walking down a long road with no end.
Totally agree that before level 20 it was so fun getting new guns and armor every single mission. After level 20, everyone has the same things and I'll end up wearing the same thing for months and hardly ever switch up my weapon load out. It was a good time pre lvl 20.
Well said. Agreed. +1
Agree, listen Bungie
Agree! Going on patrol should feel like a one man raid. High level, bloodthirsty yellow bars everywhere. Iike when you were level 10 and ran into those groups of level 20's on earth. Any proper mmo has areas that you just dont go until you are a high enough level. After you finally get to that level you find another area with even higher level enemys. It keeps players working towards a goal. What goal is there now? Do the raid to get the gear to do the raid. Rats on a wheel.
Or is it a lack of imagination that clouds your ability to create stories that go along with your own character? I feel like Bungie designed the game to be an embodiment of individual personality and imagination. Does my hunter look similar to other hunters? Sure! But doesn't Master Chief look like Master Chief no matter what Halo disc you buy? Bungie has now made two monumental games: one which has a complete story of a super soldier that defends what is left of humanity, and one that has a complete story and world that requires imagination to fill in all the gaps and holes. I see no fault in either (despite the things that should be addressed to make Destiny's gameplay more fluid).
Edited by jhova8: 11/29/2014 4:41:40 AMServers still consistently kicking people from the game with open nat types
[b]opinion[/b] noted
And he says it 150 hours after... Really, if you hate the game just go, lot of people will stay, we are enjoying the game. Destiny > Halo, anytime, Halo is fast-food, Destiny is a light sci-fi ARPG-FPS with some basic MMO elements and sandbox exploration, I am sorry if you didn't research your stuff before you bought the game or it's not your favourite genre, but I am really glad they had guts and didn't make Halo 2.0
Bump and +1. [i]Destiny: what could have been...[/i]