originally posted in:Grateful Gamers
We all know you can only equip one exotic weapon at a time, If you could equip two at once, which two would you prefer to use?
(Realistic, not two exotics in one slot, but a special and a heavy, or a primary and a special, etc.)
Edit: Feel free to list two armor pieces of your choice as well... seems to be just as interesting of a topic! Also, feel free to list the Legendary you would equip in the 3 slot for each if you wish to do so! Thanks for all the replies! =]
Multi tool and plan c Hard light and icebreaker
ghorny and ice breaker....duh, burn baby burn
Thorn or The Last Word in primary, and Icebreaker in secondary.
Helm of saint-14 and the armamentarium with Gjallarhorn and universal remote with found verdict as my secondary and suppression grenades >:)
hardlight or vex with pocket infinity or truth
Edited by garrisjones: 12/3/2014 8:08:03 PMMy Thorn or My last word as my primary and The Thunderlord as my heavy
Grim citizen as leg. Pocket infinity and gallarjhorn as exotics
Bad juju and gjallarhorn. I liked my juju before the patch n I love it now!
Icebreaker and G-horn.
Any exotic primary, then Ghallahorn
Weapons plan c and gjallerhorn armor sunbreaker and heart of pharaxic fire
Thorn and Gjallarhorn, because they rhyme... and they're awesome.
Ice breaker and ghjallerhorn
bad juju icebreaker JUST. KEEP. SHOOTING.
Edited by Murcee: 12/3/2014 4:35:41 PMIf I could, Nighfall Strikes aside, it would be while in crucible. Vex Mythoclast and Patience and Time, with Jolder's Hammer as my legendary. I'm constantly switching weapons while in PvE.
g-horn and vex or my g-horn and icebreaker. it's close
Icebreaker and Suros
Plan c as primary and patience and time as secondary 💪
Depends on the mission. But since I have chest armors that allow bonus ammo for hand cannon & sniper OR scout & fusion, I'd probably go with: Thorn and Patience & Time, or maybe MIDA Multi-Tool and Pocket Infinity/Plan C. Although, to be honest, it'd be nice to be able to just equip two exotics period. Or two weapons from the same class at the expense of not equipping another class. I'd totally go hand cannon/scout rifle and skip special weapons entirely for PvP.
Hard light and patience and time
AE and Suros....
Universal Remote and Invective to constantly piss off people in the Crucible
Bad JuJu and Icebreaker would be a pretty good combo. Basically unlimited ammo sounds nice.
Icebreaker and Gjallarhorn--for this week's nightfall & heroic, DEFINITELY.
Icebreaker & Gjallarhorn
Hawkmoon and 4 horseman