originally posted in:Grateful Gamers
We all know you can only equip one exotic weapon at a time, If you could equip two at once, which two would you prefer to use?
(Realistic, not two exotics in one slot, but a special and a heavy, or a primary and a special, etc.)
Edit: Feel free to list two armor pieces of your choice as well... seems to be just as interesting of a topic! Also, feel free to list the Legendary you would equip in the 3 slot for each if you wish to do so! Thanks for all the replies! =]
Suros and G-horn.
gjallahorn and icebreaker.
PI & Thorn (or Regime)
Red Death and Thunderlord for the crucible and Patience and Time and Thunderlord for the Raid, strikes, etc. As for armor, always Achlyophage Symbiote and Young Ahamkara's Spine.
Since I don't have the ghorn, I'd say ice breaker and hard light/or monte carlo. If I had ghorn, it'd be ice breaker and ghorn
Well, It would have to be Pocket Infinity and Vex MythoClast. Or maybe the Icebreaker......
Pocket Infinity & MIDA, oh yessss
Edited by Talon: 11/28/2014 1:52:57 PMThorn and TLW Or maybe Thorn and Fatebringer.
Simple, Last Word and Gjallarhorn.
Hawkmoon or Icebreaker and Gjallarhorn
Ice Breaker + Gjallahorn
I wonder if multiple will be an option someday as they start to become outclassed by better raid stuff.
Suros and Ghorn. Easy.
Icebreaker and gjallahorn.
Hawkmoon/Plan C PvP Vex Mythoclast/ Icebreaker PvE
Definantly thorn (when it is buffed) and thunderlord. Or my vex w/ patience and time
Edited by Rifter7: 11/28/2014 1:41:46 PMsuros and suros dual wield that bitch
Oh baby! Would that I could! Mida and the icebreaker for weapons. Mask of the third man and luck raspberry for armor. Oh the slaughter! *sigh* now I'm going to be depressed all day because it will never happen.
Gjallarhorn/Pre-nerf Mythoclast
My MIDA multi-tool and Gjallahorn
Suros & Pocket Infinity.
Praxic fire, sunbreakers Vex mythoclast, gallahorn
GJallarhorn and Gjallarhorn
At the moment Thorn and Ice Breaker/Patience & Time. Probably switch out Thorn for Hawkmoon, if I had it!
Hardlight Patience and Time Ultimate raid loadout