Some of us really don't mind. I, amongst many, many more, am really enjoying this game.
So much hate for a game that's only been out a matter of weeks. Give them some time.
I mean the CoD games are always f**ked, but people seem to have patience with them, so why grief Bungie within weeks of a new game? They're fixing it with every update....
I love the game too, but I don't think this guy's hating - more like pointing out the dreary flaws in the game's storyline history. Hate to say it but what he points out is pretty much true...
Some of it is, yes, but there are just so many posts like this on the forums, all saying similar things. It's getting a bit boring to see them everywhere. I'm sure they are well aware of the faults, but they fix things every time they add an update. Things we mention, things we don't, they know their game and I'm confident they'll have it nailed soon. It's new. We shouldn't be shooting it down so fast...