originally posted in:Xbox One Raid Finder
Looking for 3 people any class any lvl to run vog from the start on normal. Probably tonight, as soon as there are enough people
StAnKy BaLLz690 Hunter lvl 27 Mic y Exp sorta
Gt: zartan42o Lv 27 warlock I have mic Done the final boss twice but never played through from beginning, add me if you need someone else
Add me and I'll try to help another time unless your going it later on warlock 29 and hunter 29 and titan level 27
Level 27 Titan
Level 28 warlock GT HollowStones Send me a invite if you want to
Lvl 26 warlock never done the raid GT darkphil96
Are you still looking? GT EskimoBobberton lvl 28 hunter.
I'm game.. Never did it before..lvl 27 warlock..GT littl3 turtl3