Okay, you use plan c, I'll use Perun's Fire... Ready, set... You're dead
Ready set? Nah mate, Plan C wouldnt let you get past 'Ready'. In fact you'd be lucky to get the whole of the word 'ready' out. Insta-charge > your little FR.
I'm telling you, that insta shot from the switch only goes through half the time, you can't keep switching weapons for it to work. That insta shot catches most users off guard because it's so quick so unless I'm in hip fire range, you're dead. So in reality, I'll have time to kill you twice before I say "Go" Perun will break your respawn button. 2bad Xur won't sell it to you
I have both there both amazing and Op just I like to collect and plan C will win some fights but the IB fusion wins most
Edited by Bieltan: 11/28/2014 11:19:53 AMTheres a cooldown of roundabout 10-15 seconds. Good luck finding me before that cooldown finishes. Also, rank 5 IB right here mate. Running Peruns Fire on my Hunter. Damn fine FR, but simply cannot compete with a correctly utilised Plan C. Not even close. Also Plan C is a monster from the hip, its very first perk is a hipfire buff. EDIT: Plan C also has brutal range. I dropped my maxed Light/Beware which sports a range buff for Plan C mid-IB and havent looked back.
Is it better than pre-nerf Pocket Infinity? I took it to rumble before the nerf. I was untouchable.
You'll either love it or hate it. Its Exotic Perk certainly leaves people with no chance when used right though.
Edited by Dash Woodson: 11/28/2014 11:24:39 AMI hear you. I've just not enjoyed the productivity of my plan C, and I have one hell of an FR shot. More or less I don't think this is gonna be the straw to break the camels back. I mean half these so called crucible players can't break a 2.0 with a maxed Suros let alone understand the mechanics of a fusion Edit: I've had plan c for a long while too and I've given it plenty of field time
I do better with my Grim Citizen than I do with Suros. To each their own I suppose haha. Looking forward to getting accelerated coils on my PF though, looks like it gets a hell of a buff from that. Also, dat stability <3
Well good luck to you. Thank you for having a legitimate convo with me lol it is a rare thing on these forums
Tbh every gun that I've tried has its niche and strong points. Im torn as to what my Hunter should use once I've XP maxed TLW. The Devil You Know, Red Hand or Gheleons Demise, hmmmmm...
Comes down to skill
Hi-5 with those accelerated coils the peruns rekts
Please tell these fools