I earned my Plan C from the crucible last week and now Xûr decides to sell it? I'm so sick of earning my guns, just to have Xûr sell it a week later.
Edit: Now that I remember, I also earned my Ice Breaker from the raid a week before Xûr sold it also!
How do you "earn" something in RNG system? Is it luck or "earned?" Please explain to me Insanity. I "earned" my plan C, Universal Remote, Red Death, Hawkmoon, the Truth, Thunderlord, Monte Carlo...etc (just to name a few), does that mean I don't want Xur to see them? Nope. Do I care if he sells something I "earned?" Nope. Do I really care? Nope. Do I think I "earned" them? Nope. His job is to sell exotic all gears and weapons. You "earned" yours just mean you just save yourself some strange coins and getting a head start. Not "earned." Exotics aren't "rare" or "hard" to find, they are all based on luck and RNGesus. If you don't like what he sells, stop checking out his inventory weekly. Go and "earn" all your exotics. Delete those strange coins and mote of lights you have. The fact that you go through his inventory indicate to me that you have an intention to buy whatever you don't have from , but you happen to see he is selling the item you already have and got pissed because the item that you want wasn't there. Nice try troll.