Wondering if I should create a 3rd to try and get a raid helm or just start a titan it doesn't want me to be a 30 it's bugging me. Anyone else done this? Can a warlock exotic helm drop?
I was going to run two warlocks for raid gear but I was a 30 on week 3. Got blessed by Rngesus. So I left my other warlock alone, until I got him to 20 to go for double raid weapon chances and nightfall gear. I was going to delete him but I will run him for the new raid until level 32. Then I'll delete and make a titan. Oh, and I have a hunter I'm working on.
You should start a hunter, and delete your second warlock and create a titan.
Go for it champ
I have 3 warlocks and i still havent gotten the raid helm. But if you have all 3 other raid pieces then i recommend you hope for the Light Beyond Nemesis exotic helm. That way you can hit 30. Plus, being a lvl 30 sunsinger who can not only self revive, but also revive others faster and they revive you faster is a highly useful character and people will always want you in their teams for nightfall or normal raid. In hard raid though the helmet is kinda useless since you can't revive anyone. But basically i say make a 3rd warlock. The less gear you need to track down the better and easier it is to keep yourself maxed out and full on materials.
2 it's enough run hard raid only not normal at all
Honestly up to you, if you really enjoy warlocks make three why not? I made two Hunters for the gear originally of course but now I just like having two, love playing as the Hunter. Also got a Warlock though he's a lot of fun lol
Everyone does this... Yes you should make a 3rd of the same character Every clown that is 30 does this... I do it... I got 2 titans just to make him out to level 30 So by all means, go ahead, just be warned, 1 of your characters will be hard to delete lol.. I had 3 titans and I just had a hard time deleting one of them just for my Warlock...
There are 3 exotic warlock helms.
You will regret doing 3 buddy, definitely try the titan if you already have two warlocks..
I would if I were you. You might as well with the dlc coming up. It's gonna be the fastest way to 32.
Up to you really. I know a lot of people that do it. I have two warlocks and a hunter (I've barely started). Had a Titan at one point but didn't like it. Play with whatever classes you like using the most.
Make a Titan, Titan's are great fun. Go for the Defender subclass. It brings a whole new way of thinking about using a super. P.s. I have all three. 30 Warlock ,29 Titan ,29 Hunter. I'd do the Hunter last if I did it again..
you should create one of each class, like that you get the most fun out of your destiny
No, make titan
I made three warlocks just for the purpose of getting it to thirty. Once I got to thirty, I pretty much grinded the raids, nightfalls and weeklies three times to get things I didn't have (I kinda want every exotic in the game) And with three warlocks, I got 27 strange coins each week. I slowly started getting exotics from xur and legendary gear for my soon to be made hunter and titan. Now I deleted one warlock and made a titan. With three warlocks, I have almost 50 raid completions and the best part was being thirty for about 3/4 of those 45+
Boring. 30 is overrated. It'll happen eventually. Start leveling up a Titan and a hunter. My first was a warlock, second was a Titan. Different play style and took a minute to adjust but I go enjoy punching and slamming into enemies. Plus, superman-ing across big distances with fists of havoc is fun
By creating more of the same class, you are adding to your grind. Play all classes and enjoy rather than stressing over one armour piece. It will come padowan.
No point in making 3 of the same unless you have ZERO raid gear...
no, create different classes. only fake 30's are the ones who make 3 of the same.
Create one of each - -blam!- the RNGesus do as you please.
I'd say make a titan and level up defender, it is an amazing subclass
No I deleted my hunter to make a third warlock and ended up deleting it wish I would've never made a third
if u have the raid chest just hope to. get lucky with nightfall or for xur to not be a bitch and sell something other then that chest
I honestly think people who make the same class just wants their gameplay to be a lot easier. Making multiple characters with the same class just sounds boring and repetitive. I'd go against and say make different classes, but I guess it's all your choice.