Tell me what you'd like to see added into Destiny as this game develops more and more. I like all the little things in Destiny, like the gestures, and the AI in the Tower. But big additions are nice too, so speak your mind if you've got one you'd like to see added in.
Personally, a little thing I would like to see added in would be sitting in the Tower. There are a couple of benches here and there, I'd like to be able to walk up to them and "Press X" (I'm on Xbone) to sit. I mean I like the sitting option they already have- but to actually SIT on a bench would just be nice to see. It's not imperative for the game, but it'd be cool to see clans of people sitting on benches or even sitting at chairs in the Tower when they are away. Maybe have a gestures slot, like in Dark Souls, where you can choose out of a variety of gestures- so you can have 4 active gestures to utilize.
Another thing that wouldn't be crucial but would be nice is to see the Tower change as the seasons in real time too. So since winter is coming up, maybe the Tower would have a new skin over it, with snow falling and mounds of it in corners and what-not. And before that, have leaves falling off the trees and piles of them in corners- so the robots aren't just sweeping up dust.
Anyways, what ideas do you guys have? I'd love to hear them!
- If a Forumerite posts an idea that you like, give it a Like! If it gets a high amount of likes I'll add it'll be added into the OP body for everyone to easily see!
I want more dance moves. Gimme the moonwalk!!!!