[b]Jester[/b]: Density sucks ass
[quote]Lol dude you're just jelly that I can enjoy this game and you got buttraped by your own cynicism - LULLLZ @ deconstruction and cynical impotence
you pwnd yourself loser[/quote]
I don't even know what the f[b]u[/b]ck this means. Can somebody translate?
So sad you need to come crying back to the flood for some destiny bashing and have your group therapy session and mutual butt lickings on why everyone else doesn't treat destiny as being worse than the holocaust and how bungie and halo of the good old days were more glorious than the roman empire during its peak but with the release of destiny and betrayal of bungie you have to deal with all these new comer desticle morons. #floodvsdesticlelulz
That is the hardest truth
Being on the Destiny forums I learned "Fanboyese" allow me to translate: I am to incompetent to think of a legitimate reason to disprove your accusations, therefore I will use my arsenal of insults to hopefully make myself feel satisfied with my purchase
Edited by Koldraxon: 1/8/2015 4:58:15 PMTranslating... [[b]CREATION.EXE/FLOODIAN_SERVER_PROCESSORS.VEX has crashed. Please rely on the below[/b]] [spoiler]Requesting [b]#Zinyak[/b] or[b] #Zin_Simulation[/b].[/spoiler]
If jaden smith was on #destiny
You should have checked yourself before you shreked yourself.
[quote][b]Jester[/b]: Density sucks ass [quote]Lol dude you're just jelly that I can enjoy this game and you got buttraped by your own cynicism - LULLLZ @ deconstruction and cynical impotence BAHAHAHAHAHA you pwnd yourself loser[/quote] I don't even know what the f[b]u[/b]ck this means. Can somebody translate?[/quote] [INCOMING MESSAGE] >>TRANSLATION REQUEST<< >PLAY< "I FIND THIS AMUSING HOW I BELIEVE YOU ARE JEALOUS OF MY ABILITY TO ENJOY DESTINY, AND ARE ANGRY THAT I HAVE [UNSUCCESSFULLY] DECONSTRUCTED YOUR [ERROR: UNTRANSLATABLE] LAUGHING. YOU HAVE DISPROVEN YOURSELF, YOU LOSER. >END< [END]
He's just trying to make himself look big.
He's saying you should have checked yourself because you wrecked yourself
He admires you.
The cringe is strong with this one.
Posting something retarded mirrors you really well.
By retarded do you mean awesome? [spoiler]got rekt mate[/spoiler] [spoiler]apply ice on that burn of yours[/spoiler] [spoiler]lie down[/spoiler] [spoiler]try not to cry [/spoiler] [spoiler]cry[/spoiler]
Damn dummy
That is weapons grade retardation. Basically: "Lol, I'm dumber than you are."
I don't know. I don't speak destinese.
What. The. Actually. F*ck.
It means they where dropped and punted as a baby
^^^link to thread
that's one of those things where i read it. then immediately afterwards i read it again because i feel like i skimmed over it. then i read the comments to see if there is a translation. then i just jump the band wagon and say you got #rekt because it sounds good...
[b] [/b]
It's a metaphor for society.
Jester you just got what is called by many "rekt" It's ok, there is a 50% survivability rate. [spoiler] I lol'd so hard[/spoiler]
Edited by LightningPalidan: 12/3/2014 7:04:33 AM#Shrekt