This is just sad. Before me lies anywhere from 2-3 [b][u]million[/u][/b] users, and 99% are the future of This is the "Destiny wave," a direct repeat of what happened four years ago, only far worse.
At Reach's launch they told you to "adapt" when you didn't like a new feature or preferred the old method. Now if you say one thing that you disagree with, and it pertains to Destiny, you are labeled a "crybaby." At least in the reach forum there small sense of order, and they stayed within their respective forums (bar the Reachtard-Floodian war). Now Desticles feel the need to spread to every corner of the site spouting "Vog, Raid, Wut class, praise DeeJ, etc." it's almost as if they can't tell that the site name is [u]Bungie[/u].net, not [u]Destiny[/u].net.
While not all Desticles are cancer, some actually have enough intelligence to make an organized post. They are still choking this site to death. Throw in some lack-luster moderation and bad CM and you get the current state of
I wished to see this site thrive for years to come, instead I'm watching it die.
That's all.
It's cause pussystation players got to join.
Old Someone already posted a similar crying topic
You cry like baby. Give big emotional speech with loaded language and tacky Internet nerd insults That feel as if you should cut your wrist for saying that. This is not a fight for your rights forum it's a game forum The mindless stupidity on hear will not fade at the drop of your salty tear You further pollute this ocean of foolishness with your salty tears as you complain about why the ocean is so salty In other words you are contributing to the very reason you complain.
Edited by Lord Remoss: 11/29/2014 7:18:05 PMI want to apologize on behalf of the Destiny Community. I know many don't care, which is why I'm taking it upon myself. I used to play the Halo games, but never used the forums. However, I empathize with you all. I too am sick of the tsunami of VoG threads outside the proper forum. I believe people just don't care, and/or enjoy pissing you off. It is the Internet after all. I don't envy the moderators. They must be overwhelmed at this point. Again, sorry about the "desticles." Edit: I've been thinking. What if people are posting VoG threads in the wrong places intentionally as a sign of protest? They might do this because, apart from #recruitment, there is no official way to find a raid group in-game.
You realize you are at #destiny and this their current title and halo has moved to 343 studios.
Oh look, another chicken running around crying about the sky falling and that something they love is dying when it continues to march on showing no signs of sickness what so ever. I'm starting to become amused by these "X is killing Y" posts. They're never true.
Because calling people a deadly illness is cool rigth? Its been trending these days......... [spoiler]-blam!- this planet and all who inhabit it.[/spoiler]
The Flood. Smells like home.
This community has seen better days but it definitely has seen worse as well. Also, it is no where near as terrible as a lot of other gaming communities are. It's been improving the last couple of weeks as well, I'm guessing from all the people that have given up on Destiny. Honestly though, this community is not bad at all even considering that it's accessible from a mobile app.
While I resent you calling people Desticles, I do agree that the current users are choking this once diverse forum to death. All the other sub forums are filled with idiots looking for games who can't tell they are in the wrong spot. So many people arguing, crying, whining, and generally making fools of themselves. I could go on, but there is no need. Moderators need to start doing their jobs to clean this up.
I was sad when people stopped talking about Marathon and was all about Myth. That's kinda how their website rolls, it's focused on their current game.
Two things, Urk honestly did a better job( no offence DeeJ your a good manager but no one can replace Urk) and this forum is a mix of Xbox and Playstation players. Its a volitile coctail on its own, but on the Bungie forums, its downright warfare. Plus, in my experence, the majority of Playstation players on this forum are assholes.
Shut up Meg
Some of you people look into things a bit too much.
Edited by comiclegregblade: 11/29/2014 5:55:10 PMthey are quite a few destiny fans (note how I didn't say desticle) who actually do know this is and respect the old halo fan history and respect that
But I'm using an app called "Destiny". What's a website?
You make a good point but you have to consider that a lot of the destiny people are using the app which is Destiny specific. So they can't tell that the forums are for anything but Destiny. If you want to be mad, be mad at Bungie.
Deej works directly under Urk, so to insult the current CM, you insult the Reach era CM. There is a different player base on bnet, as many of the forum goers from the Reach era migrated to the Waypoint forums.
Bungie won't help stop the desticles with the only thing that'll keep them in line-the ban hammer.
If you want of off your beloved website mister superfan, tell Bungie to put matchmaking and the plot inside the actual game. Other than that, I don't understand why anyone would care too Much.
Considering that Destiny is both the only current game that Bungie has out there, AND the only game it retains ownership over, then what do you expect People to talk about here? Hell, look at most of the forum groups; aside from one or two, they are all about different aspects of Destiny. If you want to talk about halo, then go to 343 Industries.
This is a bungie site, and destiny is a game made by bungie. We have every right to be here, this isn't your site and never was. This site is for bungie fans.
*Slowly claps