Need advice- I'm currently lvl27 warlock with full set maxed non-raid legendary gear (Negril Savant III set) purchased from Warlock Vanguard.
Is Voidfang Vestments chest worth buying from Xur this week? Or do I wait for a good exotic weapon?
Note- The only exotic weapons I already own are Plan C from a drop, and Invective from a bounty.
I think it's best top in the game for PvP, never use it in pvm tho. If u need light lvls go for it. I'm maxed and I dont even use exotics anymore faster reload iron banner gloves outranked sunbreakers
100% worth it for Crucible, spawning with two instant kill grenades every time is amazing.
Just buy Voidfang Vestments next week or the week after.
The grenade energy on spawn does apply to gift of the sun. This means if you are in a raid group that is trying to learn or progress, you will spawn every life with two grenades. As such it can be very helpful. It is also EXCELLENT in pvp. I recently purchased a second so I could have it on both warlocks.
It's more geared to the void subclass. I use it for PVP.
It's not the worst but my warlock is only 25 so I'm not sure