He just took over with his English Majority
What can be done
suicide pact
I'm in
Still on Christmas Eve?
Yes of course
Very good
Good. Get on it
Who gets the killing blow?
The kangaroo
Ah, I didn't consider...
You inconsiderate -blam!-
I'm acting like Overlord... He has infected me
He infected you with his organic love jelly?
Yes. You will have to kill me too... there's no other choice. I'm so sorry mang, it has to be this way.
I will use the Ebola. The Ebola will lead us on the great journey
You have spoken with the hierarchs?
They have confirmed our suspicions
And what say the squirearchs, do they consent?
They confirmed that we will be having squirrel for dinner
I suppose that will do.
You dont have a choice really. The squirearchs said so
The squirearchy are an oppressive bunch