originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
Level 24 titan
Just had a baby so I'm a new dad and probably won't be able to get on as often as I have been. just looking for people to play casually with.
Congrats! Lvl 27 Warlock here. I haven't done the Raid yet but will soon. Full time job and Family so I'm on when I can be. If you're looking for a casual and laid back gamer feel free and add me.
PS4 here. On at night PST, mostly late night lately, but hopefully earlier as well. PSN: chrisarcher
I am looking to play on ps4 on the east coast either between 7-9am or noon-2pm. Just inv me or message me
Hi and congrats. Please feel free to add me too. Level 28 Titan psn: Yakuzarov . I'm in the UK and play mostly at night from 10pm.Would also like to do casual but fun weekly heroic and nightfall etc
Congrats, you can send me a friend request
PSN: PsychicPumpkin My main character is a lvl 29 Hunter. I play evenings in the 5-8 EST range depending on fatherly duties. After 8 is wife time.
Add me up lvl 29 Titan. Lil one is one month old today. On mostly at nights.
I'm on and off but mostly on at late nights after work or very early morning. Feel free to add me and join me if you see me on.
congrats on the new addition, and i am in the same boat as you. I also need people to play casually with as well, so is it fair to say i can add all you who commented?
Add me psn q9000 Lv 29 warlock
add me, lackinginterest I play whenever I can, 3-4 nights
Add me Skye--high- I have a 2 year old so I'm also on when I can be but looking for people to play end game stuff with
Add me lvl 26 hunter on ps4
Feel free to add me, lvl 28 warlock and lvl 15 hunter. Usually play 3-4 nights a week starting around 730 cst till when ever
Add me guys, im only lvl 14 but i can kick butt
Edited by Popcornnn: 12/1/2014 12:12:55 AMStill getting used to writing on forms Lvl 24 hunter
Same here, bud.... but my job makes me travel, wouldn't mind takeing my ps4 every where I go if I had more people to play with... Dr_Jai_
Add me WhatDanger
Edited by DevilMoon42: 11/30/2014 9:58:14 PMFeel free to add me too. Just joined the forums and became a new dad last month...keeping it very casual for now, but hopefully I can jump back on more than 1x/week soon. LV 20 hunter - playing pattern lately is roughly 80% PvE / 20% PvP Cheers
I gotta 1 year old who always pushes the ps button while im playing lol. Thundercat_87
You can add me. I've got a 19 month old daughter and another due in 6 weeks. PSN: CMRaethel
Add me. I play casually, usually PvP, and i'm always looking for other people to play with. Same name. Level 26 Hunter by the way.
Add me. I'm always looking to play.
Shoot me a friend request, same as screen name here. Congrats on the new dad status and welcome to DoD.