originally posted in:PS4 Elite Raiders
Post ur GT and ur goods. Together we stand, divided we fall XD
My GT is jpusmc5150
I have a 400 titan, hunter and warlock
I play a lot so my time zone don't matter XD
Proxy76 Just returned to the game and looking for friends
My gt is GaintCheeseBuble/titan lvl 33 need a fireteam for the prison of elders lvl 32
Avenge_studyyy help me
Avenge_studyyyyy need help thorn bounty
My gt is above
WANT A FATEBRINGER? WE WILL HELP YOU! Watch us at twitch.tv/yolomedia_ We will be grinding the hard Templar checkpoint for you depending on how many characters you can get it with. FATEBRINGER count: 2
My gt is symptom64 titan lvl 33 working on 34 doing everything on destiny add me
GT- firerunner123 two 34s one hunter one warlock; working on my Titan, willing to do raids whenever I'm on
im new to the c Ali and i have some of crotas end weapons and not a lot of vog weapons 34 warlock.My GT is Ali_jojo6783 add me im good at trials got 9-0 and im looking to help on raids as i need some raid weapons so add me im always free and im really good at the game
Good at Crucible ? [PS4] Join Fire of Osiris We are a destiny clan, that helps with things like Trials and PvE. We have all flawlessed trials countless times and need more members. We are mostly UK based Request now and we will help you out (Make sure you tell us before trials begins) (mic needed)
Edited by Jae Solo: 6/18/2015 12:38:30 AMGT is JaeStrong - PS4/3 34s & maxed gally
My GT is ImLuckiii add me i am thirsty for VOG
AvnissNova add me for anything! 32 Warlock
Lvl 34 hunter, Lvl 33.5 lock, Lvl 33.5 Titan w/ max gjally's, fatebringers for everyone add/invite XB1 GT: Mitch8u
Waffleman1204 i have a 34 everything and am experienced
Edited by TurtleZensei: 6/14/2015 5:48:31 PMTurtleZensei--- PSN ID I'll play everything and I'm on nearly everyday playing destiny. Lvl 29 Warlock--Main Working on other two
Down for anything POE TOO you name it I am on it currently looking for a squad of 2 to run trials PSN: Ozzmumba825
WhoDahFukzFaZe... Down for anything from raids to the crucible!!! Add me.
Ftm706. I have 3 34s (1 of each) almost all weps maxed. I like pve and pvp. Add me for help or just someone fun to play with. I am very chill and willing to teach. Can carry u in raids.
BurningFlameZX. I'm down to do a lot of things destiny related. I can help with almost anything.
GT FantasticCaL
PSN Roar0908 34 hunter with ice breaker and fatebringer
PSN: Torteira I have level 33 titan