originally posted in:PS4 Elite Raiders
Post ur GT and ur goods. Together we stand, divided we fall XD
My GT is jpusmc5150
I have a 400 titan, hunter and warlock
I play a lot so my time zone don't matter XD
PSN: Torteira I have level 33 titan
Xbox 1 GT: Vuhnacular
PSN: YourHeroAngel Lv 31 Warlock
Edited by Meneer Martijn: 5/28/2015 9:11:16 PMGamertag: Meneer Martijn All 34's 9-0 ToO
My GT is FullEnd2 I have a 34 Titan I play a lot so my time zone don't matter
Psn Spaceful- 34 hunter and have a mic add me
WoodzGoodz13 33 Warlock 32 Hunter Titan in the making
My psn gamer tag is masonrules10
Gt tomasj Level 32 Titan Working on hunter and warlock Need help with vog
My name is Maaaaartinn on ps4
Psn: BruK9779 Hunter 31 add me!
GT: SKULL_68353 I have 32 hunter have a mic I'll help on anyything whenever I am available I am interested in nightfalls and raids Working on getting the DLCs
GT: Alex_tHeGrEaT678 I have all warlocks lvl 34 Have a mic Will do and help on all activities
PSN: KyleStaysRadical Level 33 warlock and a 32 hunter I do play sports games and am looking for some new games. Add me!
PSN: Ep43 32 Hunter Don't have a mic yet but am interested in doing all raids, including VoG. (Haven't got to do it yet)
add me FONTYBEAR! Im looking to join in on others and help!
PSN: zangetsu_legend8 lvl 33 hunter, lvl 30 warlock and lvl 29 titan
Oii_KerMiiT lvl 25 titan need help doing VoG but don't have a mic
PSN: B55playerpower Level 32 Titan
BritishxNinja My name is Nick. 32/33 of all three classes. I can play during the day, just not midnight shift, because work. Time Zone is EST -5
Davascript Level 33 character of each class.
Psn koolwhip40459