originally posted in:PS4 Elite Raiders
Post ur GT and ur goods. Together we stand, divided we fall XD
My GT is jpusmc5150
I have a 400 titan, hunter and warlock
I play a lot so my time zone don't matter XD
Edited by TheCaptainM91: 5/4/2015 2:21:19 AMPS4: TheCaptainM91 Two warlocks and hunter walk into a bar with no set schedule of being available to run raids...
GT: Jennicolour Titan lvl: 31 (just need shards for that fab 32 lyfe) Hunter and Warlock are still babies. I've done all raids. Got ghally almost maxed. Have mic. Willing to help anyone when I'm online.
I have a 27 Titan
PS4 GT: callvin
You are a serious -blam!-boy
Add Jthorls have a 30 warlock
Add Coreqube on PSN. I have a 24 titan and just started with my warlock
GT: Dr3w_Bails I have a 23 titan I am at boarding school, but once I get home I am going to put in work.
Edited by HashburyKush: 5/2/2015 7:34:41 AMHashburyKush Lvl 29 hunter working on warlock I'd like to join I play late pst and I have a mic
Psn Sp3nc3rH3at0n
[quote]Post ur GT and ur goods. Together we stand, divided we fall XD My GT is jpusmc5150 I have a 32 titan, hunter and warlock I play a lot so my time zone don't matter XD[/quote] OgwOlfx
Need help on Lvl 30 final urn quest. At the final cp. Msg Bi0nark (zero in name)
Maurov97, lvl 31 warlock
Ghosthunter1119 lv 32 Titan and warlock 30 hunter just joined and love raids! Hit me up when ur wanting to raid
K1NG-CHA05666 Lvl 28 warlock looking for raids and long walks on the beach
Edited by EasyNow90: 4/29/2015 8:29:35 PMGT Yepcamargo90 29 Hunter GMT -2
Looking for 4 players for hard crota ps4 perfer mics and galahorns final part of crota thnks add htk_undead #raid #recruitment #ps4
KasparK looking for people to raid with. 32 hunter, 31 warlock and 30 titan. All raids are welcome. Still havent done the hard raids because nobody of my friends plays destiny.
Djfilth24 . I have three 32's ready to shoot the shit outta shit!
Lvl 31 Titan, just looking for people to do raids with