originally posted in:PS4 Elite Raiders
Post ur GT and ur goods. Together we stand, divided we fall XD
My GT is jpusmc5150
I have a 400 titan, hunter and warlock
I play a lot so my time zone don't matter XD
My PS4 GT is xPrimeSlayerx lvl 31 titan lvl 28 hunter and lvl 5 warlock i have a mic add me
My GT is Spanish_Killa i have a level 31 titan,warlock,and hunter.I would really like to get more nightfalls done as i dont have anyone to do them with
My gt is BCJ360 lvl 25 titan
my gamer tag camaro436 lvl 30 titan I need help on a raids and more friends to play with
Edited by TheVenomenom24: 4/12/2015 4:53:47 PMTheVenomenom24 32 walock and hunter Xbox1
Patrick-009 Lvl 31 Warlock with Gjallarhorn, ice Breaker and all kinds of nasty shizzle 😄
Edited by Finalbass: 4/12/2015 6:25:33 AMPSN: Finalbass level 32 all classes. Willing to help out anyone in the clan. Have max gjallarhorn and icebreaker. Add me if you're in the clan and want to clan raid or do a nightfall together. :)
ParadiseInvite Level 30 Titan
Edited by Canoc2: 4/12/2015 12:16:56 AMCanoc2 Lv 25 hunter Usually play 9-12pm est
Looking to do both VoG and Crota today was preferably asap message me your gamer tags or reply
Aksteeler10 Lvl 29 Titan
Edited by Xanagii: 4/11/2015 7:21:04 PMMy GT on PS4 is Xanagii Lvl 28 Warlock Up for raiding and strikes
Welcome to The Exotic Order. We are a Xbox 360 based clan that focuses on teamwork and collaboration. We thrive for a community that is hardworking dealing with Raids, Nightfalls, Weeklys, Bounties, and PvP. We aim for a easy going environment we don't mind a little competition. So with that there are some prerequisites. Prerequisites: •Must have at least one character above level 26. (don't worry there are some exceptions) •You must be fairly active. •Respect. •Selflessness- your at be willing to help other clan members. •Have a good attitude. •Expect Success Application: •Console: •Age: •Characters: •Are you willing to help others? In order for a clan to be successful, you must work together to make Destiny an easier task! We have players in different times zones but who needs sleep anyways? We achievement hunt, mess around, and do resets on 3 characters (if applicable). All of our members are highly experienced and they shall stay as others players join. If interested in joining me search "The Exotic Order" or click below. https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/537909
My GT is max_amo12 2- 32 hunters and a 30 hunter
Lv 29 Titan Usually farm Strikes I Crucible a bit PS4: Riptalis
PSN: XX-SOLO_ARIES_XX I have a LVL 31 Hunter im still working on my alternate characters which will be another Hunter and a Titan
Edited by youngysf: 4/8/2015 10:47:00 PMPSN: JanissaryOf1453 Guardians: 32 Hunter, 27 Warlock, and 26 Titan Time I Play: As much as I can. Message me if you want to raid. Bonus: I have no microphone, but still follow directions. I can hear everyone too.
Ec Penguin, all exotics and 3 32 characters add me friends :)
My PSN is Nelsh Level 32 Hunter, Titan & Warlock All maxed weapons Got mic
Gt CrazyMatt2000 all 32 of different types
My GT is kartofll Hunt 28 still leveling ;) Open for raids strikes etc ;)
My GT is conflict5150 lvl 31 hunter and warlock 29 titan on all the time.
GT is Charlie-Alpha-72 Level 27 Titan.