originally posted in:PS4 Elite Raiders
Post ur GT and ur goods. Together we stand, divided we fall XD
My GT is jpusmc5150
I have a 400 titan, hunter and warlock
I play a lot so my time zone don't matter XD
Add me! Gabosinay... Do raids, weeklys ot cricible!!! Level 31 ( just need those shards)
my name is sun312772 add me
My GamerTag is Usuffer2. Add me! I do raids and strikes and crucible/iron banner. I play all three characters. I just upgraded to PS4 and only have P3 friends. Please Add me!
Need another with jelly horn for hard crota send message to RagsTheSlayer
LVL 28 Hunter. Done as much as I can alone really need a fireteam for VOG. PSN: Realestonever
Hosting Crota normal gt same as above
Lvl 31 Titan and working on leveling up a hunter. I've done full VOG and Crota on normal a bunch and different CPs on hard a few. Love playing destiny and live in Mountain Time zone. Usually play at night during week and mornings on weekend. Please add me for raids, strikes or whatever. Have good weapons and just looking to enjoy the game with some good people. PSN jlew430
RaavaHelios Level 32 Warlock and Level 30 Titan Pacific Time Zone but on for long hours
x1337x Clan RECRUITING - Xbox 360 All levels welcome, 18+ preferred. We will be active with Raids, Nightfall, Strikes, Bounties, and some crucible. Anyone that wants to join a helpful clan and doesn't mind helping others, please feel free to post here,send me a message directly, or follow the link below. Thank you and hope to see you join! https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/About/864360
xLOVEAMERICANx level 28 hunter. Done as much as I can do without a fireteam.
The_avenga56 warlock 30
MLG_WOLFE_OP , warlock,level 29
Edited by corupted_DNA: 3/19/2015 1:48:20 AMCorupted_DNA lvl 31 titan
ThEnEcRoBuTcHeR_ willing to do any raid on any difficulty 31 warlock im on ps4 add me
Help With Nightfall on Xbox360 GT NationalNate
Edited by Oi_U_Belucky: 3/18/2015 6:28:56 PMoi_u_belucky ps4
Cardinal7232 Got Gjallarhorn today!!
Lucky_grenades_ Ps4 32 titan ( when I'm not upgrading armor) Solid raider, relic holder, PvP player and some strikes and story mode. I'm in Texas, so its central time. I try to play evenings,but some mornings,too. I use my mic and I'm helpful to the help able and try to be patient with others. I'm joining because the clan I was in is falling apart. I haven't done a raid this week, so send me an invite. I'll be glad to help.
bowdoinblack add me ps4
I am a lost soul. My old clan died and i have been playing since day 1. I love all raids and live doing them, but i also host a full fireteam for crucible.>>>> TTL_Pixel<<<< is my gt (live in scandinavia so +2GMT)
[quote]Post ur GT and ur goods. Together we stand, divided we fall XD My GT is jpusmc5150 I have a 32 titan, hunter and warlock I play a lot so my time zone don't matter XD[/quote] My GT is Keyhaan Rodin