originally posted in:PS4 Elite Raiders
Post ur GT and ur goods. Together we stand, divided we fall XD
My GT is jpusmc5150
I have a 400 titan, hunter and warlock
I play a lot so my time zone don't matter XD
Level 32 warlock, 31 Titan. And 31 hunter. Looking for people to run vanguard roc and just chill out with. Same tag as name. Feel free to add me and ask for invites to game out if your a chill person
PSN: Death_Noble Pacific time 32 Hunter, 30 Warlock, 6 Titan
MehRocky New to raids level 30 warlock, 27 Titan, and 28 hunter. Want to do raids more
I'm a level 31 warlock with all raid gear but haven't completed hard crota. Anybody need someone for that?
Psn TheRealTohma Level 30 hunter
Edited by xXJURASTIC_2000: 2/22/2015 4:47:39 PMPsn xXJURASTIC_2000 Level 31 warlock, level 28 titan, level 27 hunter Ice breaker, bad juju, thorn, last word, etc. I play every other week and im pretty experienced with VoG and have done Crota a few times EST
In game O-Red, I have a lvl 31 hunter and am growing a warlock he is still young but at lvl 20 he has waiting all purple gear and a yellow chest. I live in NY state US. I am on often message me and lets run the raids.
lvl 32 hunter *2 plus also have a 30 warlock psn: ypmud raid whenever im online which is quite a bit during british hours
29 warlock, need a group for heroics, VOG etc Psn Rosinger
GT Jsrsrex Lvl 29 titan Lvl 27 warlock
My Gt Mightymicjake14 Level 30 titan
GT: Teymlessxox Level 10 Hunter (I'm still leveling up sorry) Looking for people to hang with and play with on Xbox One. (also id you're around my age, 17, that'd be cool :))
GT: zwjense Level 32 Warlock Plenty of experience, and I don't quit mid game.
[quote]Post ur GT and ur goods. Together we stand, divided we fall XD My GT is jpusmc5150 I have a 32 titan, hunter and warlock I play a lot so my time zone don't matter XD[/quote] My psn is creedsassassins. Add please.
Looking for 4 more people and 1 sword bear that is experienced to do Crota normal cp msg me for invite gt same as above!
Edited by Super_Trooper51: 2/20/2015 7:53:59 PMSuper_Trooper51 Currently level 27 warlock
itsYoungSnipes Looking for people to want to help me get my light level up. Currently level 24
Edited by Rahl222: 2/20/2015 6:52:41 PMLvl 32 warlock still have not beaten crota hard. I'm on mostly on the weekends I like to help everyone get what they need raids nightfall whatever Rahl222 gt xbox one
i have 3 32s warlock,hunter,titan looking for a group or to start a clan who does raids every reset psn: supremacy_kaws
Livinghacker, best around
My GT is Weemeezy30 I have Titan, Warlock and Hunter all 32s I can play anytime
I'm xrushhybridx and I'm a level 31 hunter with a mic and amazing weapons and fully upgraded subclasses