originally posted in:PS4 Elite Raiders
Post ur GT and ur goods. Together we stand, divided we fall XD
My GT is jpusmc5150
I have a 400 titan, hunter and warlock
I play a lot so my time zone don't matter XD
Level 31 Hunter. Raids and nightfall. Add Targa1970
yourfatmama12 32 ti/ 31 hunter/ 29 war add me for crota hard raid cp nightfall and other raids
SalveVale Lvl 31 Warlock Lvl 31 Hunter Lvl 30 Titan Up for raids and nightfalls any time that I am online
DcaptainMorgan__ lvl 32 Titan and Hunter
cbalk lvl 25 Titan
o sevoh v
FryGuy89813 26 year old Canadian Lev31 hunter
HappyBeast234 Level 31 hunter Australia (12.00pm - 5.00pm)
SILENTSLEEPER979 Level 31 hunter U.S.A (5:20 - 9:50)
dragonstriker222 31 Hunter 4-8pm (Canada) Ps4
Gradon22 30 hunter 30 lock 9pm to 1am central standard is normal play time Ps4 of course
GT is Doom_42 lvl 28 hunter an lvl 9 titan
PS4 Gamertag is Steele100110 I have a lvl 22 warlock and 27 Titan
PS4 Gamer Tag: TheGray86 Lvl 31 Warlock and Lvl 30 Hunter Weapons are leveled and sufficient Have completed both raids many times. Usually online from 9pm to 12am EST on the weekdays and all day on weekends.
PSN: the_predatorz56 Lvl. 30 Maxed Warlock (Maxed Weapons and Both Subclasses)
nolab143691 hunter 31 ps4 add me
psn: xxB_A_L_L_I_Nxx hav 2 lvl 32s hunter and titan my warlock is 30 but he will be 32 soon he has all raid gear
Psn: Melachi_TNC Lv 27 hunter
PSN: cheezyb0ss Level 32 Hunter, 32 Warlock, 31 Titan
Psn: Lemonhead337 Titan maxed defender level 30 Have done VoG hard and Crota normal
My GT is CosmicRazer I have a 31 Warlock I play a lot but mostly from 3-9 P.M. Pacific
Level 31 Hunter Have raided a little, want to do it more often. I play a lot, on most nights. CST My GT is Token50 on PS4
My GT is XIEhabIX Warlock 32 Titan 31 Hunter 30 i play a lot so time zone is not an issue i m looking for regular raid partners and to help others as well .