originally posted in:PS4 Elite Raiders
Post ur GT and ur goods. Together we stand, divided we fall XD
My GT is jpusmc5150
I have a 400 titan, hunter and warlock
I play a lot so my time zone don't matter XD
My psn is lgdevin4416, all three classes 335 light.
My Psn is exowaffles46
My psn is FireBallZero99
My Nametag Is JZMercy And I'm A Level 40 Light 330 And I Need Help With King's Fall Raid
GT: VindictivexKilla 33 Warlock/ 169 Light looking to seek new friends and level up. See ya in game! (East coast, i try and play as much as I can just got the taken king couple days ago)
GT: Infused_Phoenix Only got a lvl 40 Hunter (287 light) because I recently moved from Xbox 360 to PS4
PSN is Cr43YxHe4DsH0t ================== Titan // 334 Warlock // 335 Hunter // 335 Nearly 1000 hours playtime.
PSN : KevinJWilslef Level 40 Warlock(Light is around 220ish atm)
Bloominonion45 316 as of now for hunter 290ish for Titan Veteran at vog and crota but have never done kings fall
Luigit-Type 303 Warlock Just message and invite me to whatever :)
Edited by Now-Yus-See-Me: 3/31/2016 7:53:22 AMI have a lvl 40 Titan & Hunter. Both around light level 295. Would like to start doing CT KF normal and hard raids with the help of others please. Thank you in advance. GT: same as username above^
Gamer Tag: lordveyron7962 . I have a level 40 titan. Level 1 hunter. And a level 5 warlock.
tbenny1855 GT Ps4 Hunter 308
UnwishingPie58. 318 Titan! Ps4
GT: xxDankNug420xx
My gt is Sami_B413
GT same as name
asoj-clan is my GT. Hunter: 308 Warlock: 300 Titan: 304 (this is all max light)
Toxic376 Titan 291
SPIRITUALGOON 313 Titan 312 Hunter 308 Warlock
Chris7960878 is myPSN. I can help with anything
gt:SquidExhibits New to Destiny on PS4 need help to level up. I'm not new to destiny but I switched from xbox360 to ps4 so I have to restart. My xbox account will be the link
Dkellyofficial96 315 titan 315 hunter 313 lok Trials every wknd Raid anytime