originally posted in:PS4 Elite Raiders
Post ur GT and ur goods. Together we stand, divided we fall XD
My GT is jpusmc5150
I have a 400 titan, hunter and warlock
I play a lot so my time zone don't matter XD
Gt is stezwin add me always up to help
Edited by KuShNpUrPzZ: 2/7/2015 7:27:58 PMmy GT is KuShNpUrPzZ for PS4 I got a 31 titan 19 asendant shards away from 32 (my main character) 31 hunter, and a 29 warlock looking to join a raider clan
Psn:Dani_Skybound Lvl:29 hunter Never done raid From Norway GMT time
BlueMizt-17 Warlock 31 Hunter (still in progress)
[quote]Post ur GT and ur goods. Together we stand, divided we fall XD My GT is jpusmc5150 I have a 30 titan, 29 hunter and warlock I play a lot so my time zone don't matter XD[/quote] Level 31 Hunter need to start raiding
Xbox 360. 29 w mic
jaewon_uk feel free to add me. just looking for people to raid.
Can you invite me to clan please psn kiypie lvl 30 warlock
KRON1CSMOK3R420 Warlock31 all raid gear Titan 31
I just want to get into a serious raid and get it done. Psn: dacjak54. level 30 warlock.
GRIM__REAFER lvl 31+ 3 Classes
Psn: xC4N4DI4NBE4VERx Hey guys just looking to raid anytime with clan mates and fellow members, feel free to add me anytime. 32 Warlock 32 Titan 32 Hunter Plenty of HM clears on both CE and VOG have Ghorn IB and all elementals, always up for Nightfall's and weekly's aswell
Edited by Person091: 2/7/2015 1:37:41 AMLvl 30 Hunter Lvl 9 Titan Person091 ----> PSN user I am mostly looking to play Crota's End on normal but I will still do VOG (Hard or Normal) Mostly free on weekends but I can try for a week day!
Edited by mynamesmoosey: 2/7/2015 12:45:26 AMGT mynamesmoosey You can call me Moose Two Titans lvl 31 highest (so far) Favorite subclass: Defender weapons of light ready I generate orbs for my teammates so don't be afraid to use those supers. Collaboration is my strong suite so I'm very team oriented. ...this feels like a job resume. PS4 player
Mesophyte. Hunter lvl 32 Warlock lvl 32 Titan lvl 31 Xbox 360 Looking for friends to do raids with, blamming hard Crota still eludes me :) Thanks
GT GeneralOzman 31 Titan Play usually evening eastern time U.S Weekends I'm off and on throughout the day Experience player and tired of searching through all the muck for a raid
Psn is Baby_Jr Play on ps4, have 3 31s all types. Always raid and do weeklys. Very experienced and honestly very good. Am always willing to help, just add me and send me an invite. *Warning* I don't like wasting 3+ hours or so on activities so please be either experienced or a fast learner and competant.
Violent_Reactor Titan lvl 31 Warlock lvl 31 I work a 5/4 schedule 12hr shifts so I play all day on my days off I like to do raids
Gradon22 Level 30 warlock Level 29 hunter I play all day Wednesday and late Monday Tuesday and Thursday like midnight us central time, just looking for peeps to run nightfall and raids with
hellab1989 lvl 31 warlock. Finished crota. Still yet to finish vog
G3T S0M3 S0N 13 Xbox 360 32 Hunter 31 warlock 30 titan Feel free to add me just have a mic
Psn: Reaper042 Titan 32 Titan 32 Warlock 32 Cleared HM VOG and HM Crota's end numerous times.
GT: BIG_M-E-A-T_8 Ridiculous gt to type I know but lvl 29 Titan Weapon of choice: THORN
Psn same name as on here Hunter lv 26 Titan lv 30 No warlock yet UK able to raid both vog hard or crota hard... Done both before Able to raid at 6pm -10pm UK time Monday to Thursday Able to raid any time Friday to Sunday Very good considering i got the game in 2015
Godfather5040 3 31 warlocks just need helms I play everyday have a full upgraded hard light and black hammer, working on hunger, also have a clan if interested we play everyday and live raiding message me to play sometime