originally posted in:PS4 Elite Raiders
Post ur GT and ur goods. Together we stand, divided we fall XD
My GT is jpusmc5150
I have a 400 titan, hunter and warlock
I play a lot so my time zone don't matter XD
camblunt 30 titan 27 warlock 10 hunter
Floppygoober04 level 26 Hunter
add me: ghost-of-ed96 lvl 30 hunter with all crota's end raid gear so only a matter of time before lvl 32 also have a lvl 29 titan and warlock add me and if I'm on then I'm willing to do any raid
Poin1985 level 31 titan
GT; harmenaujla LVL 28 Warlock PS4 Also need people to do vault of glass raid
Rosco6972 Level 29 Warlock Add me :)
Lvl 31 Hunter PSN- Chronic_Prime_ on PSN a lot and could use a raid group for crota
Lvl 31 Titan lvl 32 warlock GT:WXVY Creator Xbox360
Lvl 28 (almost 29) Hunter. GT is : Traxxasfan7
PSN:TheRealJuliann93 32 Titan, working on my Hunter then Warlock Always down to help people with raids. On must of the day unless I got shit to do, AKA work :P add up
Road075 Level 10 titan Still trying to figure this out
PSN: Yarpenator I go by Yarp 31 warlock (Main) & 29 Hunter. Gonna start working on that Titan. Maxed raid weapons. Normal play time is 11pm - 2.30am EST Up for anything really. Currently working on Lvl 4 rep with Eris to hit 32 before Hard Crota comes out. Normally I do nightfall and weekly heroic on Tursday or Wednesday and off to the raids and bounties for the rest of the week. LF solid crew to run with on regular basis. I'm a mature player experienced with raids and relics Hit me up ;)
PSN: xxfelix100 Titan 30 Warlock 9 LF group for weekly raid and training
PSN: Gravtex Titan 28 Warlock 26 LF weekly's and raids
PSN: ContrabandZero 30 Titan (Defender, primarily) 26 Warlock (Voidwalker) I'm up for absolutely anything! I'd just be excited to have people to play with consistently. I have a mic and am very friendly. : D
Ps4 Clit_comander7 31 hunter Working on other 2 classes
x-420smoke-x 29 titan. Looking for raiders
Edited by Wiggle Viking: 12/27/2014 4:13:49 PMWiggle_viking
My PSN is L2S_Glow Anyone feel free to add me and hope to play destiny with you one time! :D
Check out Olympus Heights if you're looking for a playstation clan to join!!!
GT: zTrollinHD Love raiding :) psn, lvl 28 hunter wanna play some vanguard ROC?? Msg me let's get over 100 friends in a hour!! Ahaha
GT: xXViet_boiXx 31 warlock, 30 warlock, 29 Hunter. Looking for new raid group that is willing to run the raid at a moment's notice!
PSN-joejohnsonpro19 Level 10 Titan
' koffiekiller ' Hunter