originally posted in:PS4 Elite Raiders
Post ur GT and ur goods. Together we stand, divided we fall XD
My GT is jpusmc5150
I have a 400 titan, hunter and warlock
I play a lot so my time zone don't matter XD
Psn: mdf1972 (ps4) Hunter 305, warlock and Titan in the 300's Frequent player but different times due to shift work I know the raid , what to do where to stand etc, though still learning hm. Looking for chilled out players , good laughs as important as getting the job done.
Ps4- Thrillogy_13
PS4 -Mirandac4 309 Hunter
Ps4: youraginbroLOOL 297 light almost always on
Xbox one: AzianZing8842 Level 32 Hunter Mountain Time but I'm on all the time
PSN: firestar1098 Level 40 Warlock, Titan, and Hunter All 304 Light I am in Central US time
[b]GamerTag:[/b] CmdrWarlock_NL Lvl. 25 Warlock
GT Natasvuli 303 Hunter 290 Titan 284 Warlock Very frequent player Have a little raid experience, want a lot more Very patient, quick learner In game friends are always welcome, Interested in running everything, even if I've run it already
GT OddTurkeyTodd
Edited by Dynamic: 11/4/2015 7:44:48 PMGamer tag: ShortCheesel1010 Very experienced 303 light I've survived 4h 43m without dying on kings fall
PSN: JLangloen 295 Hunter looking to get into the raiding business Always looking for new friends ingame, cheers! Norway
ManicDubKilla level 40 260 light add me right now need help with few level 40 story missions and getting some gear but when I'm high enough level I'll help with whatever you need
Badassphil1989 is my gamer tag have each class at level 40 looking to raid every Tuesday full clears have experience
Add deathdragon1231
Sweetsaucemcgee hunter 292 warlock 296 Titan 296 .....I think I'm new to destiny on the ps4 I'm A Xbox guy. So having to start from Scratch build my rep , My Arsenal and redo the raids it's been hard finding people. I'm not big on pvp except iorn banner. I rule iron banner !!! Yet suck at trials . I'm looking for People to raid with do nightfall and junk like that pvp from time to time. I'm still knocking out main missions and trying to power up get them nice exotics. If your down hit me up
PSN: EchoFrazl Warlock level 40 - 230+ Down to do pretty much anything I'm able to do:) mainly daily heroics/nightfalls etc. UK GMT+1
Edited by Maniaxdream: 10/29/2015 7:39:46 AMGT@PSN: Maniaxdream 296 Warlock
Edited by SiiixPathsOfPain: 10/29/2015 1:58:42 AMPS4 GT SiiixPathsOfPain Hunter lvl 40 light 260 warlock lvl 40 light 220
Edited by chinsky035: 10/29/2015 1:44:39 AMGt: chinsky035 (ps4) level 40 hunter, light 240 Always looking for raid people.
Edited by Gmoney_5299: 10/28/2015 8:35:50 PMGmoney_5299 PS4
My psn is. Mehereonly Need friends to play and help me level up my titan.
207 light hunter currently, looking for some friends to play with for a good time. I am interested in raiding so im down for a grind, hit me up if you want to chill and play some games preferably with a mic lol. GT: MxTyrael
Edited by ludwig: 10/27/2015 3:23:25 AMGT: CisMiral. I play on PS4 only and I live in Canada I have 310+ titan, warlock and hunter I am a mature player and play a couple hours a day. If your looking to have a good time and laugh a little just add me :D
Gt:L SCOURGE L Beat orxys hard at 306 light level :) Xbox 360/Xbox One
GT C00PER_5947 00 are zeros looking for a reliable group to raid and strike with.