DeeJ, please listen:
I had an epiphany of this, while finding myself noticing the level difference between gear sets i commonly use. Now, while I know this would be about as difficult for the Devs in Bellevue to incorporate as say, appearance modification or making my character dance-I think they could pull it off.
As a warlock (and I'm willing to bet any class), I find myself alternating between Voidwalker and Sunslinger for different events, and even down to specific fights. To best compliment my fighting style, and provide the best advantages while adapting to situations, I find myself changing out gear more often than I'm trolling the forums looking for Raid partners (yes, that was a jab at the lack of matchmaking).
I thought to myself, while dipping into a cave as Clark Kent would a phone booth-"wouldn't it be nice to click down in the d-pad, and flick my stick left or right, to instantly equip whatever load-out that I chose best suited the class/fight I was about to go into?" Then my right brain said, "why, it sure the hell would!"
Now Bungie Devs in Downtown Bellevue, I don't want to tell you how to do your job, or even offer my gaming knowledge and creativity for your services as a "new hire internship," but let me explain how simple this would be.
The D-Pad, as it sits now, is more useless than extra sugar in my pumpkin spice latte. It is rooted to offer only two functions: character animations, and clicking chat channels. By incorporating these functions, as well as two others (cleanly) into specified quadrants, you can then utilize the right thumb stick to select from up to 8 sub-functions. This can be used to say, choose to use animations, change armor load outs, change weapon load outs, change chat channels, and even different setups of buffs within the classes.
Now, I know you used up most of your redundant multi-tier decision menu with that, that is used from the orbit screen. I, however, have faith that you can make this happen. This would-at the very least-make what we do in this repetitious utopia a little less laborious.
Sincerely, a guy that knows you could have done this whole production better:
Stick it to the man, mate :)