I don't know for sure if it belongs here but I think it does.
Today 2 guardians where searching people for the raid ( to do for first time ).
I hopped in and we came nowhere with four people, so they decided to try again tomorrow.
So I got back to getting materials for my upgraded.
Then like 10 min later I got a message on psn that [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/5752484]evilabdy[/url] was coming online in 5 min or so.
He came online and I invited him, after 5 min talking Schneider990 came in our party.
We discussed the possibility to try it ourself.
So we got back to orbit and evilabdy invited someone to the party and someone else let himself in our party.
Now we where with 5 people in our party playing the first part of the raid.
Was kinda hard with 5 people without actual experience, Then some random lvl 30 player ( for his name Sorry !) came by and started helping killing everything in his path.
We invited him, but he did not join ( Which i found kinda weird but still awesome ).
After about 5 min we got the door open we parted with our fellow guardian, we waved goodbye and so begun our journey in the vault.
We came to the first part where we got help from ( not all people who joined in I know by name ) :
And all others I forgot.
With some awesome teamwork and one screw up we managed to get true and win the fight.
Then we moved on to get the chests.
first chest nothing special, second chest I got found verdict and the third chest again nothing special.
While moving past the gorgons we got at the jumping puzzle.
Everybody but one person made it. ( even I made it with some last minute super angel of light action to save my jump haha ).
So now everybody laughed while the last person tried about 5 times then he made it.
Now we where at the gatekeeper which was actually the easiest part of atheon.
We screwed up for about 10 times before getting it done and we started moving on to atheon.
This fight lasted for about 20 min to an half hour which we finally made having the from best communication I have ever heard from people who never played with each other.
So I want thank everyone who helped us.
[url=https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1794687_10203316310845135_3458415677460533802_n.jpg?oh=bc1b7d556f4f1430f4e9736e2cca0a91&oe=55194255&__gda__=1426825023_4500e501e9f701b07b9414586c057cff]First part before lost connection[/url]
[url=https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10406650_10203316310405124_853344926400813658_n.jpg?oh=d1c12fadfd84af550ff764bfa08c1bb1&oe=550550E4]Atheon part[/url]
[url=https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10264941_10203316311005139_8718818588818001082_n.jpg?oh=0968c1fe11e24d6768f553f3096a0393&oe=550F9A21]Being funny haha[/url]
I usually stop and help people open the vault when I'm on Venus patrol. I once made the mistake of entering and it closed behind me and I got stuck.