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Edited by Beyond Evolution: 12/3/2014 3:09:18 AM

BNG: Why did you remove Materials for Marks?

When I 1st read the patch notes I was excited to see the addition of Marks for Upgrade Materials. Finally I would have something else to spend my excess Vanguard marks on. I always like when games offer you options. If you needed extra marks, you could exchange some materials, now if you need extra materials you could trade in some marks. Of course, that excitement was quickly dashed when I discovered that you REPLACED the (Materials for Marks) with the (Marks for Materials). Why? Do you guys have some personal grudge against choices and options? Why does everything have to be [b]one way OR the other[/b]. Why won't you provide multiple options instead of limiting us to just one? Why can't you let your players decide what they prefer to do instead of forcing everything to be all or nothing? Instead of letting people choose if they want to play PvP or PvE, you seem to be trying to push people into both. * Why not just let people enjoy the parts of Destiny they love without punishing them for it? * By replacing the material exchange, people have no choice but to run the crucible if they want to purchase anything from the faction vendors. Where before, if you didn't want to run the crucible, you could farm some materials, trade them in for marks, than spend them on the faction vendors. Well, not anymore... I just don't understand. * Why couldn't you just remove the (reputation/glimmer) gains and leave the option to trade materials for marks? At an exchange rate of 5 to 1, would being able to swap one type of Mark for another really have been so bad? * * You provided so many great new ways to aquire extra materials, than took away the only other feature they could be used for. * [url=]Sony online store[/url] [url=]Xbox online store[/url][quote]Destiny is a next generation first person shooter featuring an unprecedented combination of cinematic storytelling, cooperative, competitive, and public gameplay, and personal activities that are woven into an expansive, persistent online world. Venture out alone or join up with friends. The choice is yours. Personalize and upgrade every aspect of how you look and fight with a nearly limitless combination of armor, weapons, and visual customizations. Take your upgraded character into every mode, including campaign, cooperative, social, public, and competitive multiplayer. Explore the ancient ruins of our solar system, from the red dunes of Mars to the lush jungles of Venus. Earn and wield incredible weapons and powers to defeat your enemies. Reclaim all that we have lost. Become Legend.[/quote] * The best way to make players happy is to give them more choices, not less. It doesn't have to be one exchange OR the other, with a few adjustments you could have both. * *[edits]*

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  • I wouldn't even mind 50:1 so long as it isn't counted in the weekly limit.

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  • [quote]When I 1st read the patch notes I was excited to see the addition of Marks for Upgrade Materials. Finally I would have something else to spend my excess Vanguard marks on. I always like when games offer you options. If you needed extra marks, you could exchange some materials, now if you need extra materials you could trade in some marks. Of course, that excitement was quickly dashed when I discovered that you REPLACED the (Materials for Marks) with the (Marks for Materials). Why? Do you guys have some personal grudge against choices and options? Why does everything have to be [b]one way OR the other[/b]. Why won't you provide multiple options instead of limiting us to just one? Why can't you let your players decide what they prefer to do instead of forcing everything to be all or nothing? Instead of letting people choose if they want to play PvP or PvE, you seem to be trying to push people into both. * Why not just let people enjoy the parts of Destiny they love without punishing them for it? * By replacing the material exchange, people have no choice but to run the crucible if they want to purchase anything from the faction vendors. Where before, if you didn't want to run the crucible, you could farm some materials, trade them in for marks, than spend them on the faction vendors. Well, not anymore... I just don't understand. * Why couldn't you just remove the (reputation/glimmer) gains and leave the option to trade materials for marks? At an exchange rate of 5 to 1, would being able to swap one type of Mark for another really have been so bad? * * You provided so many great new ways to aquire extra materials, than took away the only other feature they could be used for. * [url=]Sony online store[/url] [url=]Xbox online store[/url][quote]Destiny is a next generation first person shooter featuring an unprecedented combination of cinematic storytelling, cooperative, competitive, and public gameplay, and personal activities that are woven into an expansive, persistent online world. Venture out alone or join up with friends. The choice is yours. Personalize and upgrade every aspect of how you look and fight with a nearly limitless combination of armor, weapons, and visual customizations. Take your upgraded character into every mode, including campaign, cooperative, social, public, and competitive multiplayer. Explore the ancient ruins of our solar system, from the red dunes of Mars to the lush jungles of Venus. Earn and wield incredible weapons and powers to defeat your enemies. Reclaim all that we have lost. Become Legend.[/quote] * The best way to make players happy is to give them more choices, not less. It doesn't have to be one exchange OR the other, with a few adjustments you could have both. * *[edits]*[/quote] I've been comparing about this. They need to have a general store or some sort of currency exchange. We have those on earth now. Why not centuries from now?

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  • it would be great if they bring back the materials for marks choice.PvE all the way. i rather play cod or even titanfall before i play crucible.

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  • well its all about people enjoying the game and a lot of people many thousands who play the game , don't like the crucible, I being one them . I have farmed thousands of materials in order to exchange them for crucible marks etc... I am so disappointed that you cannot exchange them now for marks . so this is forcing people to enter the crucible to get the marks , that's not what the game is about forcing people to do something they do not enjoy . TOTALL UNPHAPPY WITH THIS NEW CHANGE Aaaaarrrgggghhhhh .........

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    6 Replies
    • Personally I believe that you shouldn't be able to trade materials for marks, it was nice while it lasted and I traded a lot for the marks but it should be the way it is now. If you need crucible marks play crucible, if you need vanguard play strikes. Simple. The only thing I could see being good for trading mats for would be rep for different factions at a 1 to 1 or 1 to 5 ratio. Ex. 1 spin metal gives for 5 rep for whoever your trading with. If not rep, at least some ammo synths or glimmer...just give us something to trade our mats for bungie!

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    • bump, come on bungie listen to your customers

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    • 100% agree. I have thousands of excess planetary resources and I'm loathe to just discard them (but I do). I simply don't have the inventory/vault space to hold them. Seriously? I never complain about the weird decisions in this game but this is one of those small but irksome ones that gets to me.

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    • They did it because Bungie is run by idiots!

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      5 Replies
      • Bump

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      • Are you carebears only capable of shooting dumb, predictable scripted AI? If you want the marks play pvp simple.

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        12 Replies
        • To force people in to PvP.

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          1 Reply
          • Edited by Samcara Tree: 12/1/2014 10:45:42 PM
            [quote]Destiny is a [b]previous[/b] generation first person shooter [b]role playing game with minimal massively multiplayer online capability and [/b]featuring a [b]precedented[/b] combination of cinematic [b]and card[/b] storytelling, cooperative, competitive, and public gameplay [b]that is all the same[/b], and [b]a few inpersonal[/b] activities that are woven into an [b]unexpansive, unpersistent, and completely[/b] online world. Venture out alone or join up with friends[b] to do the same thing over and over again for little to no rewards in a closed off world with little communication in game[/b]. The choice [b]isn't[/b] yours. Personalize and upgrade [b]a few[/b] aspects of how you look and fight with a [b]extremely limited [/b]combination of armor, weapons, and visual customizations [b]only to be kicked off the server by our incompetence[/b]. Take your upgraded character into every mode, including campaign, cooperative, social, public, and competitive multiplayer, [b]unless you don't have a connection to the internet or a upgraded membership with PlayStation Network or Xbox Live or 6 players to complete a raid on your choice of system.[/b] Explore [b]some of the[/b] ancient ruins of our solar system, from the [b]redish[/b] dunes of [b]Mars's backside[/b] to the [b]some what[/b] lush jungles of [b]Venus's only city, that are both completely infested with robots and aliens, in our restricted maps, which you won't be able to look at in game for any reason[/b]. [b]Fight our RNG system[/b] and wield incredible weapons and powers [b]that will eventually get toned down for their popularity rather then being over powered[/b], to defeat your enemies [b]most of the time[/b]. Reclaim all that we have lost,[b] after we sell you our over priced expansions that have content that is already on the disk but locked[/b]. Become [b]a Legendary Farmer[/b].[/quote]

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            19 Replies
            • Sadly, I don't think they're ever bringing it back. I've already discard thousands of planetary materials. And now that we get planetary materials from public events and the chest with the wolf packs this problem is getting worse. Also, our gear doesn't hardly use any planetary materials for upgrades. Seriously, what the -blam!-ing -blam!- where these -blam!-ing -blam!-ers thinking when they -blam!-ing -blam!-ed up this -blam!-ing shit.

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              1 Reply
              • Looks like Bungie listened to their PvE customers.... [spoiler]... and then totally frickin' ignored us.[/spoiler] The four words in the game description that should be removed due to blatent lies are "The choice is yours" and should be replaced with "THE CHOICE IS BUNGIES!" This game could have been epic. Then Bungie sold their soul to Activision.

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              • Would be nice to have this back. Ya'know, seeing as we have to grind a full faction rank for a commendation to buy anything good.

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              • I agree, i dont want to play PVP, i just want to be able to trade materials for crucible marks. Please fix this bungie! If you don't i will not buy future expansions.

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              • Edited by GAMERASHELL: 1/25/2015 6:44:32 PM
                Agreed! I'm sitting on 500 spin metal because of this change. I have nothing to spend this material on. It's not hard to get the materials just playing so there was really no reason to change it except for the whining people who didn't want to play but still get stuff. Same people who complain about free gifts I'm sure. #mats4marks

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              • Yeah. Just bring back the exchange system and cap it weekly. Let people play how they want to play?

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              • Bump this mutha -blam!-a back to life! Bump it! You know you want to! Bring this shit back mutha luvas.

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              • bump

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              • First off the auto rifles nerf was what players wanted and now they want the auto rifles buffed(which they need), so technically bungie gave the players what they wanted, second, bungie gave more vault space and people who complain there isn't enough is just hoarding weapons, you got 30 primary weapon slots between 3 characters, 30 for special and 30 for heavy weapons, plus another 36 more weapons allowed in the vault, who has 126 weapons that they use regularly?

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                3 Replies
                • [quote]When I 1st read the patch notes I was excited to see the addition of Marks for Upgrade Materials. Finally I would have something else to spend my excess Vanguard marks on. I always like when games offer you options. If you needed extra marks, you could exchange some materials, now if you need extra materials you could trade in some marks. Of course, that excitement was quickly dashed when I discovered that you REPLACED the (Materials for Marks) with the (Marks for Materials). Why? Do you guys have some personal grudge against choices and options? Why does everything have to be [b]one way OR the other[/b]. Why won't you provide multiple options instead of limiting us to just one? Why can't you let your players decide what they prefer to do instead of forcing everything to be all or nothing? Instead of letting people choose if they want to play PvP or PvE, you seem to be trying to push people into both. * Why not just let people enjoy the parts of Destiny they love without punishing them for it? * By replacing the material exchange, people have no choice but to run the crucible if they want to purchase anything from the faction vendors. Where before, if you didn't want to run the crucible, you could farm some materials, trade them in for marks, than spend them on the faction vendors. Well, not anymore... I just don't understand. * Why couldn't you just remove the (reputation/glimmer) gains and leave the option to trade materials for marks? At an exchange rate of 5 to 1, would being able to swap one type of Mark for another really have been so bad? * * You provided so many great new ways to aquire extra materials, than took away the only other feature they could be used for. * [url=]Sony online store[/url] [url=]Xbox online store[/url][quote]Destiny is a next generation first person shooter featuring an unprecedented combination of cinematic storytelling, cooperative, competitive, and public gameplay, and personal activities that are woven into an expansive, persistent online world. Venture out alone or join up with friends. The choice is yours. Personalize and upgrade every aspect of how you look and fight with a nearly limitless combination of armor, weapons, and visual customizations. Take your upgraded character into every mode, including campaign, cooperative, social, public, and competitive multiplayer. Explore the ancient ruins of our solar system, from the red dunes of Mars to the lush jungles of Venus. Earn and wield incredible weapons and powers to defeat your enemies. Reclaim all that we have lost. Become Legend.[/quote] * The best way to make players happy is to give them more choices, not less. It doesn't have to be one exchange OR the other, with a few adjustments you could have both. * *[edits]*[/quote] I've been comparing about this. They need to have a general store or some sort of currency exchange. We have those on earth now. Why not centuries from now?

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                • It was a waste of time

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                  4 Replies
                  • Don't really care for the post but lol at the bungie quote.. "Expansive world" lmao

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                  • Mats 4 marks

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