When I 1st read the patch notes I was excited to see the addition of Marks for Upgrade Materials. Finally I would have something else to spend my excess Vanguard marks on. I always like when games offer you options. If you needed extra marks, you could exchange some materials, now if you need extra materials you could trade in some marks.
Of course, that excitement was quickly dashed when I discovered that you REPLACED the (Materials for Marks) with the (Marks for Materials).
Why? Do you guys have some personal grudge against choices and options? Why does everything have to be [b]one way OR the other[/b]. Why won't you provide multiple options instead of limiting us to just one? Why can't you let your players decide what they prefer to do instead of forcing everything to be all or nothing?
Instead of letting people choose if they want to play PvP or PvE, you seem to be trying to push people into both. * Why not just let people enjoy the parts of Destiny they love without punishing them for it? *
By replacing the material exchange, people have no choice but to run the crucible if they want to purchase anything from the faction vendors. Where before, if you didn't want to run the crucible, you could farm some materials, trade them in for marks, than spend them on the faction vendors.
Well, not anymore...
I just don't understand.
* Why couldn't you just remove the (reputation/glimmer) gains and leave the option to trade materials for marks? At an exchange rate of 5 to 1, would being able to swap one type of Mark for another really have been so bad? *
* You provided so many great new ways to aquire extra materials, than took away the only other feature they could be used for. *
[url=http://www.sonyrewards.com/en/browse/catalog/PlayStation/PlayStation-3-Games?sku=DESTINYPS3]Sony online store[/url]
[url=https://store.xbox.com/en-AU/Xbox-One/Games/Destiny/212b4dcb-549a-452b-9fe8-51748c1f7e07]Xbox online store[/url][quote]Destiny is a next generation first person shooter featuring an unprecedented combination of cinematic storytelling, cooperative, competitive, and public gameplay, and personal activities that are woven into an expansive, persistent online world. Venture out alone or join up with friends. The choice is yours.
Personalize and upgrade every aspect of how you look and fight with a nearly limitless combination of armor, weapons, and visual customizations. Take your upgraded character into every mode, including campaign, cooperative, social, public, and competitive multiplayer.
Explore the ancient ruins of our solar system, from the red dunes of Mars to the lush jungles of Venus. Earn and wield incredible weapons and powers to defeat your enemies. Reclaim all that we have lost.
Become Legend.[/quote]
* The best way to make players happy is to give them more choices, not less. It doesn't have to be one exchange OR the other, with a few adjustments you could have both. *
I stated this in another post, but this one is much more well thought out. First and foremost, I think Bungie will bring back the Materials for Marks, but it will be tweaked, hopefully better (50 materials for 10 marks, or some such). As an alternative, that I think many would prefer, I have this suggestion. Faction Marks. Earned whenever marks would normally be earned but specific to the Faction for which your class Item is set to. Dead Orbit marks, Monarchy marks, etc. This way, people could build their wallets doing exactly what they wanted to. There would still need to be some kind of cap, however, as this keeps the "balance" that Bungie wants. If you earn your Faction marks from Vanguard strikes, those marks would still count against your Vanguard cap. Same goes for Crucible. The only upside to this method, you could earn your entire 200 mark cap for a faction by playing in both styles. Perhaps this is too OP, but I think its much better alternative to no alternative.
At least add material nodes and chests to pvp maps, give us something to do while we wait on the timer to expire.
Was looking forward to playing some Destiny today, like most days. Some bounties, collecting materials, do some chest runs, shoot stuff, etc. And then I remembered this. That most things I usually do and enjoy in PvE are now pretty worthless. That my vault filled with materials is worthless. That I'm forced to play PvP and ruin their game with my PvP-noobness. That all my plans for buying new armor and guns are gone because it's going to take me forever now. Sigh.
I understand why the ability to buy planet materials was added, but now that marks are more difficult to get, I'm going to be coveting them so that I can buy legendaries to break to level up my in-use legendaries. I am an avid PvE player and one of my favorite past-times was getting a group together and messing around on the planets for a while to get materials for our items. All this patch does is create excess for those who pick planet materials off of the planets that they spawn on. Now materials are going to stack up like weapons parts and armor components. These materials will also just take up more inventory space if they still stack at 200. As everyone else has been saying, this patch orients everything towards PvP and towards those who want to play Destiny more like Call of Duty and less like World of Warcraft.
Beyond Evolution: Great post and points!!! Couldn't agree more. Some of us don't care for the crucible. One of the points that were emphasized was that the game could be played whichever way you wanted, and that lone wolves could have a really great experience without PvP. I don't enjoy the crucible very much. I prefer the rest of the game missions and patrols. I enjoy farming for materials. It's fun to go on patrol for bit, have some battles, pick up some chests and get some materials to exchange for vangard marks. Now, it's like Bungie have removed all these fun items and goals to strive for to force ONE single particular way of playing. It was my favorite and best way to get vangard marks and legendary gear apart from the events and drops. Maybe I'm weird, but it's obvious from this thread, I'm not the only one. I enjoy the farming for materials, the looking for chests, the exploration, the patrols, and the in-between battles and events. Hell, I even enjoyed the treasure caves. Going to the fair and shooting at a shooting gallery isn't for everyone, but every now and again, it's definitely fun, as it was on the treasure cave. Why it's been all removed is a mystery. Everyone should play whichever way they find it fun for them. We paid for the game, and continue to play 'cause we enjoy it, so why not add to it instead of removing what we enjoy? It's like Pac-Man removing the pellets because people weren't eating the ghosts. Let us play the way we want to play. Wasn't that the point of having all these ways to play? Oh, and one last thing Bungie: - I will never play a raid: It requires too many people to commit too many hours together for a single mission. A bit absurd really, though it might be great for high school and college kids. - If you know and recognize the Cryptarch sucks, then why don't you change it? - If you want to force people to do "shared shooting", then why is there no matchmaking available everywhere?! - Why do all characters have the same 9 weapons? - Postmaster is now as irrelevant as everything in the north tower and the special orders. You've made that whole building now as irrelevant as the stupid fan on top. - You're turning a game that had a lot of wasted potential and limiting it even more... WHY?!!!!! Bring back the fun! Just pondering...
I recently bought the expansion pass, and now regrettably I wish I hadn't. I don't understand bow Bungie can mess this up so bad. They seem to want too force people into Crucible. I bought destiny as it was seemingly about teamwork etc but now its seems they're gearing it towards crucible crap. If I wanted play that I would by COD. I liked farming with a fire team and having a laugh collecting stuff for hours. Why bother do it now? Where is the point. I liked exchanging for marks. I had really high hopes for this game but with each downdate, sorry update, it gets less and less appealing.
Yes indeed! I was SO disappointed we couldn't sell destination materials back. I first thought it was a glitch! Now they're just gonna keep amassing in our inventories, taking up space with little means to ever spend them. :P Please fix, Bungie.
This latest update alienates your entire player vs. Enemy section of your player base. I have already found a much weaker experience playing the game. Now I find myself COMPLETELY ignoring all of the material outside on the maps. Canisters of spinmetal and chunks of iron out in the wild on their respective maps are completely pointless. With every chest on a map containing material there is no point at all harvesting it in the wild. Even now I find myself throwing away 90% of what I get from chests because having more than 40 or 50 helium canisters is pointless and we now cant sell them. Also I hate the PvP in destiny. The radar sucks and there is no balance between those with over powered gear from doing VOG 100 times, those who haven't had the chance to find 6 people to do it at one time. So the only way I can get crucible marks is by selling materials. It's a way to empty out some inventory and get both marks as well as experience when I need to upgrade a weapon and I have ran out of bounties for the day. Selling material gave me a reason to play this game more than an hour a week. Because being a PvE player vs a PvP player, means that I can max out my vanguard marks for the week in about an hour. Then I have no other reason to be on here anymore since you basically took all the "Farmers" out there that play your game and said, "F YOU! You are going to play PvP or you can kiss our butts". Because it has been painfully obvious since I first got Destiny, that Bungie wants us to play PvP. That is all they care about it seems. And this update and been a kick in the balls for every single farmer out there. If this isn't fixed by the next update I am selling this game and getting COD.
I totally agree. Why does Bungie have to make this game a one-way street?
The marks for materials is awesome, although, removing materials for rep/marks is not. Put that back in and we can finally have a way to grind the game play we enjoy playing. Many pvpers don't like grinding strikes and pve people dont like the pvp. Maybe it would cut down on lazy or afkers because then they could choose how they want to grind.
50 materials exchanged for only 5 marks (spend 10 get 1) and/or 10 marks exchanged for 20 materials (spend 1 get 2). What's the better exchange? That's a bad economy if Materials for marks is left in. Maybe they removed it for the time being to work out a better rate. Idk just my 2 marks er... cents
I just discovered the change this morning when I noticed instead of getting marks on the exchange, I lost marks. I too feel as though there is this push toward PvP. I also think that when people do start camping in Crucible, letting themselves be killed over and over just to pick up marks, eventually the people who enjoy PvP will start complaining and Bungie will conclude that they really can make the game enjoyable for both PvP and PvE players. I don't know if Bungie pays attention to this stuff or not, but I'm going to type out a few suggestions anyway: Exotic Weapon Bounties: Of the 5 bounties, 3 of them require you to play the Crucible. Here's a crazy idea: Have 9 possible exotic weapon bounties that require Crucible play, and 9 that do not. Why 9? One for each weapon type, Pulse Rifle, Scout Rifle, Hand Cannon, Auto Rifle, Shotgun, Fusion Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Machine Gun, Rocket Launcher. If RNGesus calls your number and you get an Exotic Weapon Bounty, you get to choose which bounty you take on, knowing upfront whether or not the tasks are geared toward PvE or Crucible. Imagine, giving your players a choice! Matchmaking for Daily Heroic, Weekly Heroic and Nightfall. I keep reading comments from people who try to make the argument that Destiny was designed to be a "social" game. Really? Then why can't I go to the "social hub" of the game and talk to other players for the purpose of building a fireteam? Why do I have to go to Reddit, Bungie.net or anywhere else to post on forums begging for people to add me to their friends list? Or.. did Bungie expect me to hound my "real world" friends to buy Destiny and hope they like it so I can build a fireteam that way? Seems to me, the faster way would be to allow MatchMaking, just like the Strike Playlist. That gives players the opportunity at least meet other people who are actually playing the game and form fireteams through those interactions. Look, I enjoy this game. This is the first time I've posted anything close to a complaint. But I am beginning to feel like many, many other players that Bungie has their own agenda and that they believe they will force us to conform to that agenda and make us thank them for allowing us to pay for the privilege.
Bungie has gravely underestimated the amount of non PvP Halo loyalists that support this game. Personally, I will never play any PVP aspect of this to game to gain marks or otherwise. If I wanted PvP I would play Call of Duty, which, by the way, just happens to have a more indepth and basically better in every way Campaign mode than Destiny. When the Campaign mode of a dedicated shooter has a more cohesive and gripping storyline than a Bungie major release title, something is wrong. If you take away my way to earn Marks, then there is no reason for me to continue. I am a solo player and accept the fact that I will never receive raid gear or Iron Banner gear, etc. At least I could buy legendary weapons from the vendors with marks I earned from material exchange. This is a MAJOR part of the game for many people that you have chosen to destroy.
Edited by jusand74: 12/2/2014 3:52:53 AMI agree Bungie is just limiting how you play!
Bungie is incapable of giving us anything unless they take something else away. This is how they have dealt with game ever since launch. Take, take, fix, break, fix, break, give, take, break, fix, break, give, fix, take...Give give us Shiz Bungie! Stop breaking and taking from us.
Edited by Beyond Evolution: 12/2/2014 5:31:58 PMWhat really pricked my pinecones was that overall, this update was awesome. I was very excited over the changes. Generally, it was a nice improvement to the overall game. Unfortunately, the removal of this one feature (which wasn't even listed in the patch notes) directly impacted my experience in a very negative way. I'm starting to feel like my biggest mistake was actually enjoying this game. Since launch I've been optimistic about what this game could become. I had hope that we would be given more options, more choices, & more variety. Instead, I feel the parts of the game I was enjoying are becoming more restrictive with fewer options to choose from. This makes me a sad panda...
It makes more sense the way they had it before, all my equipment uses helium coils and relic iron, I have no need for spin metal which I'm currently maxed out, now all I can do is discard it all, senseless. I know I'm not the only one in this boat. I love how everyone who loves PvP is pissy because they don't like people who farm to get what they want, how's does that hurt you, really if that's what they whant to do let them, make everybody happy
[quote]When I 1st read the patch notes I was excited to see the addition of Marks for Upgrade Materials. Finally I would have something else to spend my excess Vanguard marks on. I always like when games offer you options. If you needed extra marks, you could exchange some materials, now if you need extra materials you could trade in some marks. Of course, that excitement was quickly dashed when I discovered that you REPLACED the (Materials for Marks) with the (Marks for Materials). Why? Do you guys have some personal grudge against choices and options? Why does everything have to be [b]one way OR the other[/b]. Why won't you provide multiple options instead of limiting it to just one? Why can't you let your players decide what they prefer to do instead of forcing everything to be all or nothing? Instead of letting people choose if they want to play PvP or PvE, you seem to be trying to push people into both. By replacing the material exchange, people have no choice but to run the crucible if they want to purchase anything from the faction vendors. Where before, if you didn't want to run the crucible, you could farm some materials, trade them in for marks, than spend them on the faction vendors. Well, not anymore... I just don't understand. * Why couldn't you just remove the reputation gains and leave the option to trade materials for marks? * [url=http://www.sonyrewards.com/en/browse/catalog/PlayStation/PlayStation-3-Games?sku=DESTINYPS3]Sony online store[/url] [url=https://store.xbox.com/en-AU/Xbox-One/Games/Destiny/212b4dcb-549a-452b-9fe8-51748c1f7e07]Xbox online store[/url][quote]Destiny is a next generation first person shooter featuring an unprecedented combination of cinematic storytelling, cooperative, competitive, and public gameplay, and personal activities that are woven into an expansive, persistent online world. Venture out alone or join up with friends. The choice is yours. Personalize and upgrade every aspect of how you look and fight with a nearly limitless combination of armor, weapons, and visual customizations. Take your upgraded character into every mode, including campaign, cooperative, social, public, and competitive multiplayer. Explore the ancient ruins of our solar system, from the red dunes of Mars to the lush jungles of Venus. Earn and wield incredible weapons and powers to defeat your enemies. Reclaim all that we have lost. Become Legend.[/quote] You really should go back and redact the lines "Venture out alone or join up with friends. The choice is yours." because, it's not true... At least not in any relevant way... *[edits]*[/quote] I can totally understand that there is a certain population of the destiny community that hates pvp, myself being one of them. But speaking only for myself, I dislike the forced farming for destination materials even more. Either they could open up the game to trading, or at least open up all the vendors to a unified mark system that allows all players to access the gear that they want.
I was surprised to see the option gone, There really was no point in removing it. 20 vanguard marks for 5 crucible marks would've been a fair trade off for the people that don't like the crucible grind. Everything they brought in the patch was awesome except for this one thing. I agree, it should be put back in and take away the rep gains you could get from it
Yeah. They should bring that back. No reason for it to be removed as an option.
Such a waste part of the update. I have a 30 warlock and a 30 hunter and I had no problem looking around once an awhile on patrol with friends or solo on missions. They spawn in 90% in the same spot . Just go there and look. Time to horde marks now guys not material..
Bring back materials for marks!!!!
I cant get marks now because I cant play crucible I don't have XBL GOLD.