Bungie has gravely underestimated the amount of non PvP Halo loyalists that support this game. Personally, I will never play any PVP aspect of this to game to gain marks or otherwise. If I wanted PvP I would play Call of Duty, which, by the way, just happens to have a more indepth and basically better in every way Campaign mode than Destiny. When the Campaign mode of a dedicated shooter has a more cohesive and gripping storyline than a Bungie major release title, something is wrong. If you take away my way to earn Marks, then there is no reason for me to continue. I am a solo player and accept the fact that I will never receive raid gear or Iron Banner gear, etc. At least I could buy legendary weapons from the vendors with marks I earned from material exchange. This is a MAJOR part of the game for many people that you have chosen to destroy.
They want to force us into the Crappible by removing the activities we enjoy. Well, that sucks. It's like deactivating a hungry hippo because the player was having too much fun simply hitting the button instead of trying to eat the marbles. Why can't we play the way we enjoy? Why in such an "expansive" game can't we have the option to enjoy it the way we were enjoying it. I get removing the treasure caves even though everyone was actually enjoying themselves with the shooting gallery that allowed many to level up and get weapons they otherwise would have never found. They said they didn't build all of this to have us stand there for treasure, and I kind of get that, but guess what, what if we enjoy standing there for treasure? Also, maybe you should have built a game that didn't require people to stand there for treasure. Fix the cryptarch instead of admitting he sucks without fixing him. And what if we want to play that way? Isn't it our game too? Materials was my main way to get marks too, and I enjoyed it immensely. I like playing solo and don't care or have time for a 10 hour raid with 6 people who also need to coordinate and sacrifice 10 hours, or for an event like Iron Banter, sorry, Banner. If I wanted the Crucible I'd go back to Halo 3, Reach, or even Halo 4, whose Crucible-like section has a better story than all of Destiny put together. Some people enjoy the Crucible, great. Others like us enjoy the rest of the game. Why do they choose to destroy it? It's a shame really.
I agree. For me the whole game is going down the tubes, bit by bit Bungie are cutting out the solo players, coins are too hard to come by to be using them for weapons and buying final upgrades... This was supposed to be the game where big data did something , and it looks like what it is doing is turning destiny into the average shooter.
Right on.
I'm in the same boat, buddy.
Never play PvP go back to halo buddy
Agreed, give people the choice to play PvE and earn marks and rep while others play pvp. To each his own or at least that's what it used to be lol. #PVPgrindertime
This right here!