The expansion is coming and we are looking for members to fill our ranks for the raids! We are Sharded My Pants, and we are looking for you! Whether you're a level 30 or a newer player, doesn't matter, you're in! We are willing to help out anyone through anything. We would like to find a core raiding team for the new raid! Most of us have multiple level 30's. If you have any questions please let me know, if you'd like an invite, just say so!
29 warlock looking for normal fresh start vog. Add me Christlikelove
Level 27 hunter. Would love some assistance with the vault of glass on normal. All my other friends are tired of the same and aren't willing to team up for it. Any help welcome add me on psn!
Can you invite me again pls
Would love to join. PS4 and a level 29 Warlock. Add: dogtiger13
I will join I'm into raiding having hard time finding ppl to play as much as I do Add me xXsoblazeXx lvl 29 hunter
Hey my psn is Visceral_Flex I have a 30 hunter,29 warlock,27 titan I would love to join the group. I will be on at midnight unless I get out of work early. I love destiny and I do everything so invite whenever.
Would luv to join u . Lvl 29 titan psn tdoggy34
I have a lvl 28 Titan and i have started levelling my warlock and hunter, lvl 6 and lvl 10
Level 30 hunter
I need a group I want to be apart of yours and do raids add me GJ_0307 ima a lvl 25 hunter
I have 2x Level 30 Characters, 1x Level 28, 2x Vex Mythoclast, VOG Expert, I'll write my resume soon! - PSN: F3RILLA
Level 1 titan with no plans on moving up! Invite me
Lvl 29 titan
I have a 30 Hunter, 30 titan, and 29 Warlock Very exp with raids
Invite me, would love to join. Add me on psn 'DemonWithin7'
Level 30 Titan
level 25 titan im interesting in join it
im level 25 im very interesting in join in your clan