originally posted in:First Of His Name
Lets be clear. If i catch anyone farming you are peasant and beneath my station. The only people that run into caves are the lower class guardians. With the most recent expansion allowing us to finally purchase materials the only people not buying this stuff are the poor. I've considered throwing you a spirit bloom or two, but then you'd just keep asking for hand outs. I dont want to be responsible for more of these peasants sitting on their butts farming.
Hillshire farms remembers peasants.....
Yup, I is a poe' old space farm. I plants relic iron, I got a space chicken who what lays spin metal eggs. My poe wife she got a garden of the sweetest smellin' spirit blooms you ever did see. And outs behind ma barn down in the holler I got a still and from time to time I runs me off a batch or two of the finest helium you ever did taste... but I only use it for medicinal purposes.
You're friends backs must be killing them.
only retards use their marks for mats, thats just lazy, why spend something that takes effort to acquire when you can get the same & more with just goofing off on patrol? You are by far not above anybody with this mentallity, it just shows how lazy you are
Edited by Arakyn: 12/19/2014 10:02:08 PMWell plebeian, farming built this great nation of legends. Are you saying snidely that you're too good for you're heritage!? Where's the dignity in pissing on the poor when we arose from those same Dreg mauling pastimes? Good post. Next we talk about Xurning...it's about time to circle back to that dead horse.
And yet another "I have a small penis" thread...
just when you thought the assholes couldnt get any worse
You get 100 marks a week for Vanguard and 100 for Crucible. Why would you waste your precious marks on material that you can get in the armoloads just by running patrols?
You are the dirt I walk on, nothing more for me to be interested in here....
Coming from someone who is not level 31 yet... Smh... Before making comments look at your stats first :)
lol @ "peasants" take that garbage back to the GTAForums.
I like farming materials tho :/
So how did you obtain the mats before you could buy them? You farmed them right? Lol Nice try 2/10 for effort
Farming is a lot faster if you want destination mats, you can break down armor for parts and glimmer, and do bounties while farming so you can get commondations to use all the marks you saved on gear and weapons dumba$$
Farming for materials/chests is actually quicker than farming marks to buy materials... you know that, right?
Edited by KelticTat13: 12/22/2014 6:53:47 PMYou forgot #immadouchebag
Dude farming is the best you get more rep and marks per hour than any other mode from patrol missions and public events and materials and strange coins from chests and glimmer and legendary engrams no other mode can give you everything in one area.
Poor ppl can't play Destiny
Says the guy who obviously farmed every dead ghost too.
Another retard muted
Your an idiot if your wasting marks buying mats when you could use those marks to purchase weapons or gear! Your even more of an idiot if your calling people peasants bc they are farming...
The only people who shit talk about farming resources are the cookie cutter 1 spec one suit of armor wearing wanna be elitists who presume to know why I farm resources and never considered using their other methods of obtaining resources to purchase and upgrade multiple armor pieces to compliment a given weapon and situation. You know, closed minded people who speak without knowing shit or using their heads.
I like to pick up candy on the road
Call me poor then I don't really care
I like this topic
Hit 31 then trash talk