Why do you think you should have everything playing half the game? Plus. Faction gear and weapons are useless.
No it's not. There's some decent items, also vanguard gear for hunters is mostly junk. I'll take FWC gear any day.
the better question is why restrict players access to content?
If the rewards were more than two to three marks, I'd have a lot less heartburn about it. I've played PvP, but can only take so much. The bottom line is that this game heavily favors PvP, and I think that's garbage. And PvP is not even close to half the game, but it gets the majority of vendors? You want gear that matches your playstyle? Tough shit if the vanguard vendor's two-of-each armor selection doesn't have it. Your opinion on the gear. I'd rather have gear that buffs the things I want at level 29 then random buff raid gear at 30. Bungie just made that a major chore for me and many others.
How does it favor PvP when you're forced to raid to get to 30, and obtain elemental damage primaries, get the fastest sparrow, and obtain a consistent income of shards and energies the highest achievements so far. Not to mention nightfall, which is the one thing where exotics come from randomly the most often, and the rep boost, plus the weekly, which is where strange coins come from to buy the exotics, plus tiger strikes and daily, where you get guaranteed engrams. How does this game favor PvP? How? If you took a pure pve player and a pure PvP player. Not only would the pve player level up quicker after 20, they'd have more stuff in general. The PvP player has literally zero chance of getting 30 and near zero chance of getting exotics because they rarely drop in PvP.
I've had one exotic drop from PvE. One. All others I bought from Xur. You can get to 30 with Iron Banner gear. Raid weapons I'll give you. But in regards to the ability to choose how to "become legend," PvP players have the hands-down advantage thanks to the plethora of vendors for them. You can use crucible marks to very specifically CHOOSE your gear ... What stats/weapons you want to boost. Can't do that with RNG and two choices to make purchases. So when I say "heavily favors," it's the gear to which I'm referring. With the exception of raid stuff, PvP players can get everything PvE players can get and then some.