originally posted in:Xbox 360 Destiny Gamers
Im a lvl 21 warlock looking for more people to hang out with on destiny I have a Mic just add OSOK Foxhunter
Lvl 13 Titan, looking for someone who can guide me through the game from time to time. Add - Siruall
Ancient Game 28 titan
Hi my gametag is LordlyTwo9 Looking for anyone who is interested in doing the dailys and the weekly heroic missions send me an invite or send a friends request through xbox. I am on often. I have a lvl 27 Warlock, 25 Titan and 7 Titan. I would love to try the weeklys on a slightly harder lvl to get more coin and booty but I will help anyone who needs it or wants it. Send me an invite if interested.
Edited by HoodedHavoc357: 12/3/2014 12:46:13 AMHey I'm on some nights and most weekends my gt is HoodedHavoc357 lvl 24 Titan 8 Walock 7 Hunter hit me up I accept all game invites and I also have mic but only use it late night mostly except weekends
I'm a level 24 warlock looking for some good ppl to play with on here.
Hey I'm a level 24 warlock add me gt: zanderktown32