EDIT #1 BEGIN - Summary for those who missed the OP long a$$ complaint:
Removal of material exchange for vendor reputation and marks generated this post.
Using a Day 1 feature NOT exploit to access and buy legendary gear and avoid PvP for personal reasons.
First we get a ton of mods to fix the PvP whining resulting in PvE nerfs, then 2 PvP events to 1 PvE but still more PvE nerfs.
Now take away more access to vendor weapons and armor to those of us who HATE PvP with a passion. I was fine farming for material and purchase Crucible items even though it was daunting. Never complained since I could avoid PvP.
What the heck was the logic behind removing material exchange for Crucible rep and marks?
I never saw any posts or complaints about resource exchange. If anything, it kept PvP haters like me away from ruining PvP games even more than they are already.
If this game was advertised as a PvP centric game with a scarce PvE element that would take a back seat to everything PvP I would have passed on it like I did with Titanfall and other PvP games.
Either bring back the material exchange for Crucible marks and rep, open all vendors to accept both currencies or I'll just play PvP to piss as many off as possible to obtain a K/D of 0.00.
If your going to ruin PvE, I'll do my part to ruin PvP as best that I can. Maybe I'll even be stoked to play Iron Banner 3.0 and shoot for the #1 spot in the worst PvP of all time.
Just as you have people that hate PvE, from reading the posts for the past couple of months, you have more that hate PvP.
Please tell us now that Destiny is 80% PvP and 20% PvE so we know where you stand.
All I know is after waiting and hoping Bungie would bring some love to PvE, all we got was a third and fourth kick in the balls.
After the expansion is released and there is still no resolution to this horrible PvE treatment, I'll waste my extra time playing even more like a complete noob in PvP just to piss as many people off as possible.
I'll highly recommend that others who feel the same do too.
If this was just "another" unintended side effect from a patch I may feel bad for ranting. If not, enjoy the last $ you'll see from me or anyone else who feels the same way.
If there is some great addition in the expansion to nullify this rant I truly apologize in advance.
BTW, it might help to post a list of the 100 worst PvP Guardians in your app. I would like to try and make the top 10 of that list.
They added a new raid.
Yea sure "earn" "work" for your CRUCIBLE HONOR, With shitty ass materials that you gather. Honestly get out of this forum if you think farming PVE content for PVP gear is legit. You are just butthurt... This doesn't have to do anything with more access its about reasons, that are so illogical to obtain PVP ARMOR WEAPONS with -blam!-ing trash patroling. Honestly? PVP Crucible Gear was made for Crucible and not for you Vanguards...
Ignore the hate. I can commiserate with you to a certain degree. I'm also not big on the crucible, and I found that exchanging materials was handy at times. Do what makes you happy. Do what's fun. It sucks that this impacted your gameplay in a negative way. It also sucks that the community is full of negativity. I'm sure you're not the only one impacted. Remember, it's just a video game. Props for airing out your grievances. Soldier on, guardian.
So what exactly would be a "personal" reason for not wanting to play PvP? Do you have PTSD, or are you just mad that you get killed all the time?
Rabble Rabble rabble
no idea what you are saying
I don't get it your complaining about both r u PvP or pve FCK u probly own an Xbox
Complaining about pvp? Only noobs complain about pvp cause they are BKs!. PvE players are just noobs. Simple as that.
Babies who are scared of multiplayer: this guy is the biggest.
The point was to keep people from buying rep. I would rather have a vendor selling upgrade mats, than the same vendor trading said mats for rep. You can't have both.
Okay. nobody actually TRIED to explain why they did this, so I will. Post-DLC, they updated the gear vendors with new gear. To get the new gear, you need to obtain, not only marks, but also commendations. The only way to get commendations is to level your reputation (in this case, Vanguard and Crucible). If they had not removed it, you could max your marks out, convert them to materials, convert them to rep, get the package for the commendations. Obviously they don't want you to do this straight away, so you gotta grind out your bounties/strikes or PVP and level your rep the old fashioned way.
I'm glad to see that I'm not the only 1 that was pissed off by this. I'm now trying to get out of the habit of collecting all the mats I pass by while doing bounties or missions. I don't like PvP, I'm no good at it at all and turn into a hive thrall (run about mindlessly screeching at walls) any time I do play it. By not participating in it I'm actually doing the destiny PvP community a public service, but the dev's seem to be trying to force every1 to play both PvP and PvE. They started with the exotic bounties, then with the iron banner lvl 30 gear carrot on a stick, now they are removing any other way to get crucible marks and have also made factions practically pointless to me. I don't mind missing out on PvP items as it's my choice not to play it. What really grinds my gears tho, is that I'm now at the stage I will have to start throwing away mats. How daft is this... Weapon parts and class upgrade mats you can stack as much as u like, but relic iron and the likes of u can only stack 200, and with inventory/vault space being non-existing, I now have spirit blooms sprouting outa ma arse. They should let players sell mats to other players. 10 marks crucible/vanguard for 20 mats. Even making it a fixed trade amount so as not to start bidding wars. Just let me do something other than throw them away...
Also losing in PVP gets u 2 marks but winning gets you 3. IT TAKES FOREVER to get crucible marks!!! Make it so we get 8-10 for winning.
I don't have a problem in Crucible because I do enjoy competitive mp, but this is suppose to be a Pve based game. I didn't buy Destiny for pvp. It's annoying how pretty much everything revolves around pvp.
Not for nothing but probably 70% of the "PvE" players that are in crucible are just there for an exotic bounty or something monumentally dumb like iron banner for gear. We don't wanna be in that jacked up experience you call PvP either. They literally have to CRAM the PvP experience Down the throat.. Why you ask? Because even they know it's broken and shitty. To trash people though? That just makes you a full blown twat so here's to you losing the little things in life that make you happy because well.. -blam!- you too buddy.
They took it out so that you can't buy materials and then trade them back for marks. Example: spend 100 vanguard marks, get 200 Spinmetal, then trade that Spinmetal back for 20 crucible marks.
[b]Forcing[/b] people into PvP is a sure fire way to ruin it.
I hate PvP too. Also think it's silly that the factions only take Crucible marks yet I can rank them up in PvE.
Totally agree. If this is a story, it is now lost in the pvp game it is mutating into. I bought because someone told me about it. First question asked...Is this a team fight type game or fps. Bought because both elements were there. Pve suits me. I thought it one sided that Bungie had venders only taking crucible marks so we found a work around. It worked. Was not hurting anyone and you had to really work to get the materials in exchange for the marks unlike getting same marks for a lot less time in cruc play. I miss the exchange. I hope I am wrong but maybe I am not. I hope Bungie isn't choosing to burn the bridges for us who enjoy pve over those who enjoy pvp. Story seems lost in the retoric. I am going to age myself but I loved finding new toys and abilities and the whys of it in System Shock II. Destiny was introduced such that I thought it would be similar but with a depth of environment impossible at SSII's time. Destiny was going that way with depth, story, background but it needed some changes, improvements but now it is getting lost and there is no emerging story just a useless basis to hang out their pvp shingle again. Bungie please don't leave us behind.
I never traded mats for marks (except one time to get the package) But they should offer this again as well as buying mats. You buy 20 mat for 10 mark And was it 6 marks and some rep for 50? (Can't remember) Hardly exploitable.
Edited by FuLLyAuToMaTTiX: 12/10/2014 10:43:09 AMYeah, so since when did we sign up for CoD in space? I don't recall that was the reason why I bought this game... And you know what? I wonder if it's because a lot of players are boycotting PvP and hence why Bungie are forcing us in to get upgrades via this form of blackmail...
I agree with you. I prefer to play PvE over PvP too. I get that certain gear should be awarded only to those that play PvP, but it bugs me that 4 out of 5 gear-vendors are part of "The Crucible Mark"-club. If I could buy items from all other vendors except the Crucible-vendor using Vanguard Marks that would be O.K. by me. But most of all I miss the materials for marks exchange. It made it possible for those of us that prefers PvE to get out hands on gear without having to waste out time doing something we don't think is fun.
Wait, so you want pvp marks without playing pvp?
Edited by FireX2K: 12/7/2014 6:23:36 PMPvp aint that bad. If u hate teams play rumble. Its ffa n is way quicker tham farmin. Takes like 7 mins per match n u get 2 for just playin, 3 if u r winner. Thats how I farm my pvp marks n I got super cheap for it.
I don't like PvP. But I did it for IB rank 5 rewards. And I did it for Thorn. It's not that bad. They're not forcing you to do it. Just if you want certain things.
wow! go play "Peggle" where you belong