EDIT #1 BEGIN - Summary for those who missed the OP long a$$ complaint:
Removal of material exchange for vendor reputation and marks generated this post.
Using a Day 1 feature NOT exploit to access and buy legendary gear and avoid PvP for personal reasons.
First we get a ton of mods to fix the PvP whining resulting in PvE nerfs, then 2 PvP events to 1 PvE but still more PvE nerfs.
Now take away more access to vendor weapons and armor to those of us who HATE PvP with a passion. I was fine farming for material and purchase Crucible items even though it was daunting. Never complained since I could avoid PvP.
What the heck was the logic behind removing material exchange for Crucible rep and marks?
I never saw any posts or complaints about resource exchange. If anything, it kept PvP haters like me away from ruining PvP games even more than they are already.
If this game was advertised as a PvP centric game with a scarce PvE element that would take a back seat to everything PvP I would have passed on it like I did with Titanfall and other PvP games.
Either bring back the material exchange for Crucible marks and rep, open all vendors to accept both currencies or I'll just play PvP to piss as many off as possible to obtain a K/D of 0.00.
If your going to ruin PvE, I'll do my part to ruin PvP as best that I can. Maybe I'll even be stoked to play Iron Banner 3.0 and shoot for the #1 spot in the worst PvP of all time.
Just as you have people that hate PvE, from reading the posts for the past couple of months, you have more that hate PvP.
Please tell us now that Destiny is 80% PvP and 20% PvE so we know where you stand.
All I know is after waiting and hoping Bungie would bring some love to PvE, all we got was a third and fourth kick in the balls.
After the expansion is released and there is still no resolution to this horrible PvE treatment, I'll waste my extra time playing even more like a complete noob in PvP just to piss as many people off as possible.
I'll highly recommend that others who feel the same do too.
If this was just "another" unintended side effect from a patch I may feel bad for ranting. If not, enjoy the last $ you'll see from me or anyone else who feels the same way.
If there is some great addition in the expansion to nullify this rant I truly apologize in advance.
BTW, it might help to post a list of the 100 worst PvP Guardians in your app. I would like to try and make the top 10 of that list.
I responded to a post about these all these issues yesterday after trying to turn 100 spirit bloom for crucible marks and ending up with 140 bloom minus 10 marks. What is the point of leveling up with my factions if I can no longer buy from them? Just hope for a new emblem and 2 blue engrams after grinding patrols? I love Destiny but hate crucible and I will not be forced into wasting another moment of my life playing something I dont enjoy at all : (
Edited by MFN Zac Efron: 12/2/2014 9:17:47 PMI've never really gone out of my way to farm mats. Instead, while doing patrols to gain rep for vanguard and factions, I would simply collect any mats I came across and of course grab every chest I found. After a while I easily had around 200 of each type of material (even after upgrading gear). So I would head over to the vanguard guy and cash in some mats for marks. I didn't use it everyday, but it helped me get crucible marks without much pvp. I don't hate pvp, it's just not what I wanna do when I play destiny. So I can see why people are upset. It wouldn't have hurt to leave that aspect in the game.
You do know you can also use vanguard marks to buy materials right?
So u expected FPS game to be fully PVE? If you want PVE MMO get ff 14. Bungie need to do more with PVP than anything. More modes, more stats (show how many games player won in the row - put number on emblem), tournaments.
Why do you hate the crucible so much?
Worst crybaby post i have ever seen. You are worthless and destiny would be much better off without you so just quit please.
If you farm multiple hours to get crucible marks you definately failed at this game.
Edited by Soup: 12/2/2014 8:56:32 PMDeal with it.
Edited by Mortug: 12/2/2014 8:45:33 PMi suck at PvP. i've always sucked. and i wont get any better. i've played the shit out of most CoD's, and i maybe become round winner 1/100 games. mostly i'm at the bottom of the stat screen. heck, i even played Doom when many of you in here were still sucking your momma's breasts. some of you were even just particles in the great cosmos of you dad's nutsack. i sucked back then and haven't evolved in a positive direction. i popped several veins in my head when i realised there were PvP achievements in this game... nevermind, ranting gotta stop. getting off work soon. going back home to play some Exo survival on CoD AW. that at least is some fun online gaming. what was my point here? aaah, nothing. but i'll join up for having some fun time on PvP just to give the PvP'ers some bad time. hook me up! i will suck so hard the bricks you shit will shit bricks.
WOW..over 60,000 Patrol kills......yeah..-blam!- THAT!
Lol @ people who farmed mats to get rep
Whoa this guy's got some spite
Edited by Nep1203: 12/2/2014 8:40:51 PMIf you want a PVE event go farm, there is always some farming to do and quite complaining because bungee doesn't jump through hoops for you $60. I play for mostly for PVE and overall I am satisfied with the progress this game had made.[spoiler]take your self-entitled #blam somewhere else[/spoiler]
So you want to have the Crucible gear and Crucible rep...but you don't want to play Crucible... And you're the one complaining about [i]their[/i] logic.
TL:DR of the OP: I'm crying.
I thought it was pretty obvious coming in that this would be a game equally pvp and pve. I for one love both modes. If anything, pretend that, when you are playing the game, it is real. Crucible is meant to train guardians to be better attenuated to fight the darkness (this is how they lay it out at least). As such, the factions want to see how well you do in the crucible (earning marks) before they give away their armors for you to fight the darkness. And (with this patch) someone high up has decided that running around in a circle collecting spirit blooms is no longer good enough to obtain armor and weapons from them. And here's a hint *you can get even better gear than what the factions give out by doing pve stuff like the raid, nightfall, and xur* I literally do not use a single piece of armor or weapon that any of the vendors in the tower sell....
BEST patch yet Bungie!!!
Carry on... Ruin the crucible, with no ranks and no friendly fire it really doesn't matter what your kd will be. You'll only be annoying yourself.
3 28s, why am I not surprised
Dude everyone else but like 100 people like this update get used to it....
Boo hoo. Stop crying, you sound like a child.
Cuz bad.
And to think I was just reading another topic that said PVPers are the only ones whining...
The butthurt is strong with this one.
Edited by Raider TCK: 12/2/2014 5:52:08 PMOK I am a PvE player, 95% of the time. I only played PvP during the week where I maxed out my Crusible marks for the achievement, again for a few days for the Thorn & Invective bounties, and again for Iron Banner 2.0. I will be doing so again to finish off the bad JuJu Bounty. I am strictly average at pvp with a KDR of around 1 on the dot. I can tell you this now, bungie is NOT forcing you to play PVP. Firstly, the best PVE weapons such as The Devil you know, the swarm and Epitaph are all bought from the vanguard quartermaster. You still HAVE to do the Vault to get to level 30. In fact you do not have to play PVP once to get to level 30. The best weapons in the game, are the raid Legendary weapons. These piss all over most other legendary weapons, and even most exotics. You are not going to get any of these weapons in PVP. Exotics have a MUCH higher drop rate during the raid and Nightfall than in PvP. The best way to get strange coins, is by running the weekly heroic at level 28. In fact its the only guaranteed way to get strange coins. The faction gear can all drop as a random reward in PVE as well. There are more disadvantages to being a PVP only player than a PVE only player by a LONG shot.
Edited by boff: 12/2/2014 7:54:23 PMhow an you rank crucible without playing crucible, the fix makes sense, you still have the 3 other factions to buy from, you miss on 1, because you choose not to play 1 part of the game, seems fair. and as for this being a pvp orientated game, the raid is there jewel in the crown, the nerfs and buff are annoying, they should have nerfs that only apply to pvp