EDIT #1 BEGIN - Summary for those who missed the OP long a$$ complaint:
Removal of material exchange for vendor reputation and marks generated this post.
Using a Day 1 feature NOT exploit to access and buy legendary gear and avoid PvP for personal reasons.
First we get a ton of mods to fix the PvP whining resulting in PvE nerfs, then 2 PvP events to 1 PvE but still more PvE nerfs.
Now take away more access to vendor weapons and armor to those of us who HATE PvP with a passion. I was fine farming for material and purchase Crucible items even though it was daunting. Never complained since I could avoid PvP.
What the heck was the logic behind removing material exchange for Crucible rep and marks?
I never saw any posts or complaints about resource exchange. If anything, it kept PvP haters like me away from ruining PvP games even more than they are already.
If this game was advertised as a PvP centric game with a scarce PvE element that would take a back seat to everything PvP I would have passed on it like I did with Titanfall and other PvP games.
Either bring back the material exchange for Crucible marks and rep, open all vendors to accept both currencies or I'll just play PvP to piss as many off as possible to obtain a K/D of 0.00.
If your going to ruin PvE, I'll do my part to ruin PvP as best that I can. Maybe I'll even be stoked to play Iron Banner 3.0 and shoot for the #1 spot in the worst PvP of all time.
Just as you have people that hate PvE, from reading the posts for the past couple of months, you have more that hate PvP.
Please tell us now that Destiny is 80% PvP and 20% PvE so we know where you stand.
All I know is after waiting and hoping Bungie would bring some love to PvE, all we got was a third and fourth kick in the balls.
After the expansion is released and there is still no resolution to this horrible PvE treatment, I'll waste my extra time playing even more like a complete noob in PvP just to piss as many people off as possible.
I'll highly recommend that others who feel the same do too.
If this was just "another" unintended side effect from a patch I may feel bad for ranting. If not, enjoy the last $ you'll see from me or anyone else who feels the same way.
If there is some great addition in the expansion to nullify this rant I truly apologize in advance.
BTW, it might help to post a list of the 100 worst PvP Guardians in your app. I would like to try and make the top 10 of that list.
IMO you're pretty much right BUT I think the reason they took out Mat Exchange was because say I wanted to make a new character, I can just buy lots of mats, transfer it to my new character trade in mats for XP and get to level 20 in a few min. Bungie WANTS us to play their shit campaign over and over again. -...-
i think the new gear is gonna use alot of spinmetal and spiritblooms and the other stuff so there getting us able to stock up thats all but if they dont return it to where you can exchnge them for crucible marks that will be messed up cause i also dont enjoy pvp
Op is a moron...the exchange was beyond stupid...if you can't bear playing crucible...you don't deserve crucible gear. Nub.
If you really want the PvP boys to throw a hissy fit make sure to take your shotty and fusion rifle! But be prepared to be tea bagged so much their crouch buttons will break :)
Agreed the need to have it both ways to exchange
They removed it because otherwise you'd farm vanguard marks easily and then exchange them for mats and then exchange mats for crucible marks. Hence making two separate currencies redundant. It was removed because not everything in the game should be able to be earned by grinding tiger strikes and farming patrols. There are two sides to the game and two currencies to buy the respective gears. As there should be.
Suggestion : Do what many have already done (myself included) and toss this game and play something that's actually fun and rewarding. For starters I'd suggest Dragon Age Inquisition. Why people still waste their time and money on this broken shell of a "game" is beyond me.
Heheh. Yeahhh... F your shit.
Lol it got removed because "we" all wanted a better way to obtain materials. Well we got it, and to remove an obvious exploit they removed the marks for materials. Makes sense. What you want is to go farm vanguard, so you could swap for materials and then swap back for crucible marks. Screw you, go play the other 50% of the game if you want crucible gear so bad.
Edited by Capiton Render: 12/8/2014 1:07:47 PMPvE players are fgts, so they probably would enjoy getting -blam!-ed
This game is to mmo based
2015th comment, this year has been another wonderful year!! =D
Edited by somedude1920: 12/7/2014 9:28:21 PMAll I heard was crying and getting a 0.0 kd. I'm cool with that free kills.
Never will understand why people are soo afraid of pvp.
Edited by GOAT Spartan: 12/7/2014 9:00:15 PMthere will never be more love sent to PVE because both bungie and activision know from previous games that most people play purely PVP. and thats where they are gonna make the most money off the game, not PVE where you just shoot some pixelated character thats programmed to run and hide. PVE offers no rewards since the loot system is -blam!-ed beyond comprehension, it doesn't give any feeling of success like killing someone else in PVP, and most the time all you end of doing is farming upgrade materials which is in itself boring and a complete drag. maybe you've forgotten who's in charge on this game….. ACTIVISION! ACTIVISION IS CALLING THE SHOTS! they will not let bungie do anything unless is means profits, profits, profits AND PROFITS! activision knows PVP is the defining feature of a game or the nail in the coffin of a game. PVE isn't anything, its there just to get you started and thats all.
Edited by QuickDaisy228: 12/8/2014 1:28:48 AMIf you don't like pvp or won't even play it for that matter then you shouldn't get pvp-related armour and weapons. Simples.
Edited by Ale Golem: 12/4/2014 6:20:20 PMI'm fine with not being able to trade in materials for reputation/marks as I'm okay with not leveling the Crucible vendors without actually playing Crucible. What I'm not okay with is Dead Orbit/FWC/New Monarchy only accepting crucible marks for gear. If we can do missions for them on patrol, which we do, they should accept Vanguard marks as payment.
Edited by koolaidman565: 12/7/2014 11:01:52 PM[quote][i]git gud scrub -Bungie[/i][/quote]
Your solution is to try to ruin other players' enjoyment? You seem like a bad person.
Edited by DEZARATH: 12/8/2014 1:48:18 AMI just take A in control and then run around in a circuit. It drives everybody crazy because their radar pick me up, and I'm just zipping around corners making them chase me. After that I pop bubble shields on control points or certain hallways. Or my own team sniper. Most of the time I don't play PVP. I've found that a certain Cabal Legionaire on Mars that drops Legendaries. All the time. Got the crucible hand cannon off of him and a Ghallajorn a few weeks ago. Same place same scrubby Cabal. Plus I just got the 77 Wizard fusion cannon and Hex caster whatever it's called... again. Awful Gun, but good for shards. I don't care anymore. This Christmas I'm getting Dragon's Age and the Mass Effect Trilogy (never played it) and that will kill some time for me. Destiny can take a break after the 25th.
That's super cool
If you get most deaths they might feature you, just like guy with most revives or most patrols. Good luck. I know you can do it. That aside, I never used material exchange, but never saw anything wrong with it. I suck at PVP, but I grind through it just like strikes.
[quote]Git gud -Bungie[/quote]
Sorry but I disagree. PVP is just as much a part of the game as PVE. If you want to cry about the PVE nerfs for PVP then you have to throw in the other side of things. How about... The only way to get to 30 is to PVE? Or how about the best PVP weapons are found in PVE? The game was built so a well rounded player that does both PVE and PVP will have access to the most well rounded characters. If you only play PVE then you have handicapped yourself, by choice, so please don't complain. And yes there are many many things wrong with this game but I hate hearing people complain when they only play half the game.
I agree with you to an extent. While it's so much easier and better to just use marks for materials I wish that was just an addition and not a replacement. The PvP isn't bad in this game, but what incentive is there to play it? 3 marks for a win and 2 for losing? No real incentive to win there PLUS the rewards are terrible(and that's putting it nicely). If they gave you 5 marks for a win and 2 for a loss with Tiger Strike rewards I'm betting people would flock to PvP.
If material exchange was put back in, you could just buy mats with marks, put them in the vault, and exchange them back for marks on another character, completely bypassing actually playing to get gear on alt characters. This is not the way the game is meant to be played.