EDIT #1 BEGIN - Summary for those who missed the OP long a$$ complaint:
Removal of material exchange for vendor reputation and marks generated this post.
Using a Day 1 feature NOT exploit to access and buy legendary gear and avoid PvP for personal reasons.
First we get a ton of mods to fix the PvP whining resulting in PvE nerfs, then 2 PvP events to 1 PvE but still more PvE nerfs.
Now take away more access to vendor weapons and armor to those of us who HATE PvP with a passion. I was fine farming for material and purchase Crucible items even though it was daunting. Never complained since I could avoid PvP.
What the heck was the logic behind removing material exchange for Crucible rep and marks?
I never saw any posts or complaints about resource exchange. If anything, it kept PvP haters like me away from ruining PvP games even more than they are already.
If this game was advertised as a PvP centric game with a scarce PvE element that would take a back seat to everything PvP I would have passed on it like I did with Titanfall and other PvP games.
Either bring back the material exchange for Crucible marks and rep, open all vendors to accept both currencies or I'll just play PvP to piss as many off as possible to obtain a K/D of 0.00.
If your going to ruin PvE, I'll do my part to ruin PvP as best that I can. Maybe I'll even be stoked to play Iron Banner 3.0 and shoot for the #1 spot in the worst PvP of all time.
Just as you have people that hate PvE, from reading the posts for the past couple of months, you have more that hate PvP.
Please tell us now that Destiny is 80% PvP and 20% PvE so we know where you stand.
All I know is after waiting and hoping Bungie would bring some love to PvE, all we got was a third and fourth kick in the balls.
After the expansion is released and there is still no resolution to this horrible PvE treatment, I'll waste my extra time playing even more like a complete noob in PvP just to piss as many people off as possible.
I'll highly recommend that others who feel the same do too.
If this was just "another" unintended side effect from a patch I may feel bad for ranting. If not, enjoy the last $ you'll see from me or anyone else who feels the same way.
If there is some great addition in the expansion to nullify this rant I truly apologize in advance.
BTW, it might help to post a list of the 100 worst PvP Guardians in your app. I would like to try and make the top 10 of that list.
I think in general they are trying pretty hard to push players to multiplayer content. Having crucible marks available for mats trade does not further that goal.
I don't get why removed the old one as well. But I like the new one for sure. Farmin mats was nice in the beginning now it's just annoying. So keep the new one and bring the old one back. BTW I never play crucible as Lang as I have no Exo Bounty or Iron Banner. Get my 100 Vanguard marks and I'm fine. There is for sure no need to do crucible.
Well, idk. In my opinion it's more like 60% PVP to 40% PVE, it's seems more like even 55%-45%, I feel as though without either one one the game isn't complete. I will admit, if Bungie had a way better pve I would play it, when I saw all the hype from destiny I was expecting Skyrim level story and open world, should've known that the Beta was pretty much all there was. To be honest though, the pvp is still fun and I urge you to give it a chance. Trust me I was literally in the worst slump a while ago but as soon as I figured out the guns I was most comfortable with pvp became a breeze, almost routine. I memorized all heavy ammo spawns, wrecked with my beloved Deviant Gravity (Nicknamed "Mini-lord" after this one instance), and before I knew it I ended up with 45 kills and a 3.75 k/d ratio; how's that for a comeback? ;)
For PvP only folks... there is no way for them to get raid gear riiight? So why should PvE folks get access to PvP gear? Thats a small point though, meat is below. The mobs in Raid/Strikes dont complain when we cheese every strike and raid boss like we used to. You ever see a post from a PvE mob saying "WTF I GOT ICEBREAKER AGAIN! DISCUSS!" or Atheon posting "DEEJ PLEASE READ, THESE GRENADES...". Only real way to watch PvE is watch completion times. PvP is a different story. Certain weapons will run rampant in crucible. Which cause people to complain and post on forums. You should be posting a thank you to bungie for fixing exploits in VOG. True PvE guys like the challenge. PS I do PvP and PvE, I enjoy them both
Vanguard weapon robot for materials.
Seriously go farm some patrols with a faction mark. You will get loot drops from leveling up the faction. You just have to pray to RNGesus for u to get the weapon/armor you need. Now you can still PvE and get faction gear without playing PvP.
They basically removed the most mundane activity in the game, material farming. This is a big win for everyone, PvE and PvP.
Just go afk in pvp. You might get legendary and exotic gear :D chances seem to be higher if you are a bad player.
If you don't play crucible you shouldn't be able to get crucible weapons or gear.
Simple form fire teams of 3-4 players go into the Cocksuckible and dance and do nothing you still have the same chance's at rewards cause RNG don't give a chit how good/bad you do. And the bonus is PvP players will rage quit. Get enough PvP haters to do that for a few weeks and watch the Cocksuckible die a slow death..,
Tell me: How is this any news? Bungie clearly demonstrated they dont care about the PvE. But if you still play the crappy PvP you play into their hands. The best thing you can actually do is to stop playing and stop buying DLC. Thats the only thing that really makes publishers and developers really listen.
Stfu -blam!-
I always find it funny how the majority of the game's focus seems to be towards PVP in terms of attention from developers and a good portion of the player base. It's mostly funny because, when you open up the big nav menu you select your destination, Crucible gets that one tiny section on the map and PvE gets everything else (save the Tower). It's almost a 10:1 ratio, yet PVP gets a majority of the attention. I don't know how people are getting the most of this game from five different maps and five different game modes...
Edited by Cassius: 12/2/2014 2:02:53 PMEdit: Accidental repeat post.
Why do you need crucible or faction gear if you don't play pvp? Just rank up your Vanguard rep and you'll get rewards of BOTH Vanguard and Crucible weapons and armor. I really don't get why this is an issue....
You're welcome to come play as a noob, you'll just be free kills...
I hated pvp too. But then I got good. I'm sure it's the same problem with everyone. Besides...who really cares what the vendors sell? Those guns are pretty weak.
Lmao they cant do both it would break the game cause you could buy what? Easily 200 spirit bloom then sell them back for reputation. People just don't use their head anymore
If ur on the one add me I'll go super negative with u. I hate pvp that's why I'm not playin cod
I love your use of the #PvPsux hashtag.. because we still live in the 90s and still say 'SUX', lmfao.
"80% pvp and 20% pve" Hahahaha
Your emotional outburst doesn't match the severity of the supposed issue(s) you have listed. In other words, Shut up, Meg.
Super one dimension man. It's a shame that you don't want to play both pvp and pve. When I'm not hard raiding I'm playing with my friends in crucible. Then people like you come along and since you don't get your exact way other players have to suffer from it. What do you get out of it exactly? I'll tell you what you'll get is reported enough times to where you'll just get banned eventually. Of course when that happens you'll probably come back and talk about how bungie screwed you once again and that it's totally not your fault that you went into pvp games with the sole purpose of ruining other peoples experience. Take a step back and think about what you've posted. It's slightly embarrassing.
Stop cry only a lil group of people Exchange materials for Marks. Just playing pvp makes it much faster.