EDIT #1 BEGIN - Summary for those who missed the OP long a$$ complaint:
Removal of material exchange for vendor reputation and marks generated this post.
Using a Day 1 feature NOT exploit to access and buy legendary gear and avoid PvP for personal reasons.
First we get a ton of mods to fix the PvP whining resulting in PvE nerfs, then 2 PvP events to 1 PvE but still more PvE nerfs.
Now take away more access to vendor weapons and armor to those of us who HATE PvP with a passion. I was fine farming for material and purchase Crucible items even though it was daunting. Never complained since I could avoid PvP.
What the heck was the logic behind removing material exchange for Crucible rep and marks?
I never saw any posts or complaints about resource exchange. If anything, it kept PvP haters like me away from ruining PvP games even more than they are already.
If this game was advertised as a PvP centric game with a scarce PvE element that would take a back seat to everything PvP I would have passed on it like I did with Titanfall and other PvP games.
Either bring back the material exchange for Crucible marks and rep, open all vendors to accept both currencies or I'll just play PvP to piss as many off as possible to obtain a K/D of 0.00.
If your going to ruin PvE, I'll do my part to ruin PvP as best that I can. Maybe I'll even be stoked to play Iron Banner 3.0 and shoot for the #1 spot in the worst PvP of all time.
Just as you have people that hate PvE, from reading the posts for the past couple of months, you have more that hate PvP.
Please tell us now that Destiny is 80% PvP and 20% PvE so we know where you stand.
All I know is after waiting and hoping Bungie would bring some love to PvE, all we got was a third and fourth kick in the balls.
After the expansion is released and there is still no resolution to this horrible PvE treatment, I'll waste my extra time playing even more like a complete noob in PvP just to piss as many people off as possible.
I'll highly recommend that others who feel the same do too.
If this was just "another" unintended side effect from a patch I may feel bad for ranting. If not, enjoy the last $ you'll see from me or anyone else who feels the same way.
If there is some great addition in the expansion to nullify this rant I truly apologize in advance.
BTW, it might help to post a list of the 100 worst PvP Guardians in your app. I would like to try and make the top 10 of that list.
#PvPsux Opinion > Opinion
Just get vanguard gear? I know the stats are different, but you do have some options. I'm not thrilled about it either. Especially since I thought I was done with ranking up vanguard and was trying to get my DO shaders.
Edited by Der Todesengel: 12/5/2014 9:23:39 PM[quote]What the heck was the logic behind removing material exchange for Crucible rep and marks?[/quote] They added the exchanging vanguard and crucible marks for materials for the PvP folks... PvE isn't going to entertain people in the long term, so no doubt they will continue to focus on improving PvP. - Der
I love when people complain about every single thing in this game, I mean, 50 materials for 25 Rep? Not worth it to me, I understand how that could help, but I need my materials and I am glad that you can buy materials now because I use to always have 0-4 helium filaments and now I have 481.
Pvp is the master race you scum
The fact that you are mad that you cant spend whole days running in circles picking up materials is sad.
Edited by ZOKZ18: 12/5/2014 8:21:49 PMAs pve and Pve player i just can facepalm So you are angry that you can buy Crucible Gear!?! CRUCIBLE GEAR Where you should play pvp to buy it! My question to you is now, What should Hardcore pvp players say dude? Their are a lot of them what are not touching pve, so this means - they can Never get to lv30 They have a much much much smaller chance to get Exotics then Pve players I am not saying that they don't play Nightfalls and Weekly Heroics for Coins to buy Exotics from Xur! But Xur is anyway an ass so you wan't get everytime good Exotics. We have: The Raid, (2chances for Exotics) Nightfall, Weekly and Daily Heroic, Patrol and Story Queen's Whrat Xur That are 8 activities (7 without the Queen) Pvp have what: Oh only Crucible and Iron Banner (1 time in a Month) Maybe they play Weekly and Daily Nightfall and Xur And here we have 6 Dark Below is coming and a Second Raid too, + for pve players Trials of Osiris are coming, i hope it is coming ^_^ + for pvp players So i really don't get your point. Personaly i am that kind of player who wana work for my Gear! Is farming materials a Work, of course dude! But to be honest this is like an exploit! Pvp players are grinding hard in Crucible and they deserve this Marks in my opinion much more then pve players who is just holding the square Button! If you really, really want the Gear or Weapons from an Faction then go and level that Faction. And you will get Gear for free! But saying that we pve players get fxxked is not true. And i am sure that the Factions buying system will be changed. Pve marks are easy to get compared to pvp, even when you get 2 for losing. I think that we will see different ways in the future to buy Gear from Factions. Edit: sorry for my terrible grammer and english ;)
what are we supposed to do with the materials and what about class materials and weapon parts? i have 4.500 hadronic essence and 3,500 weapon parts, they should have a vendor to trade those in also
Don't forget that iron banner is coming back once again, making the pve to pvp event ratio 3:1
The issue of materials for marks was ignored in the weekly update yesterday, unless I missed something, pity Deej didn't comment on something many players are concerned about
Go bladedancer with invisibility while crouching with plan c or pocket infinity every match all match. The rants would be hilarious.
Does anyone know if you can jump into different raids during the week or are you stuck with one? I can only play at weird random times and may be away a few days in a row. Wasn't sure what type of commitment level is needed for the raid. I don't want to ruin it for the other 5 players if I either can't finish it, play at times they can't or just suck too bad to progress. The few times I did strikes I get teamed up with rushers who just complained how I was slowing them up. I prefer to take it slow and understand what is going on without PvP rushing into everything.
Hardly any of the weapons at the tower are worth buying. I almost always find a weapon out of an engram that has better perks than the ones at the tower. Juat run a lot of tiger strikes and rank up your vangaurd and cryptarch ranks for packages.
So... You want to grind for mats all the time? You can still do it. Me on the other hand... I'll take all those upgradable legendaries that I didn't have time to farm the mats for, and max them out. Cause, you know... I'm a PvE player who likes to use different guns as often as possible. I also never liked having to farm for materials right before a raid and having a fireteam in orbit waiting for me to get those last 16 pieces of (insert random material here) so I can hit lvl 30.
Pvp haters just bad at PvP?? I love both PvE and PvP
PvP can be fun for PvE players, get a friend or two and just play Skirmish. You get to hone your skill as a team and earn those Crucible Marks. To me PvE is the training grounds, PvP is were i prove my worth.
Edited by Desso Studios: 12/3/2014 12:50:31 PMI love orb farming. The very rare purple is like hitting the lotto. Combine 4 or 5 bounties along with farming and waiting for public events and the fun as hell all out wars. Throw in the weekly strikes for even more fun. PVE is how THIS Titan rolls!
I think they're going to open up faction vendors to allow Vanguard marks, eventually.
Oh my God. He's only play one game of each type... Try PvP! It's fun! Don't create some boundary in your head that you're some kind of different species that CAN'T enjoy PvP.
I hope this is satire.
It was nice to have something to do with the excess materials. It wasn't great but it beat getting nothing for Mats you no longer needed. I have 220 Spirit bloom accumulated during bounty runs and currently have nothing to spend it on. I'm more upset by the fact that they completely left the removal of this feature out of the patch notes. They tried to hide the fact that they were doing it. I've quit several MMO's for repeatedly doing that. It's not fair to your user base. The real solution is to open up a player-driven market like the other massively multi-player games all have. But I would even settle for being able to dismantle the stuff into glimmer.
I think bungie should've made two separate destiny's, one pvp one pve then let people buy the one they want. Less whinging all round that way :)
PvE can hit 30 doing just PvE Complain that PvP players were given a week to hit 30 with PvP gear which still requires PvE parts. Most guns BUFFED recently for PvP AND PvE, still complains. ... ... ...
lmao .. pvp players can multi task from pve to pvp and vise versa. maybe you should try it. half these guardians you're teamed up with or go against are easy as shit.
Agreed, even though the Vanguard stuff is better than Crucible IMO