You don't even play PvE. You play Patrol. (Where Patrol is a PvE, it is 1/3 of the PvE), and you have never tried a raid, and done less than 40 strikes among all your characters.
He would have to patrol for hours on end to get materials to turn in for rep and marks. How effing boring!!
So if you don't like it nobody should be allowed to? You don't like it, don't do it. What is it with people that want to force everybody to do it the way they like to? More options are better than less.
Did I say he shouldn't do it? No. Learn to read and comprehend.
Not saying that. But seriously answer me why he needs better gear. A lv 20 Rare weapon does as much damage as a lv 20 legendary against a lv 18
Not as boring a PvP to me. You enjoy PvP and allow me to enjoy Patrols and material collecting and trading for rep and marks. Why can't both of us do what we like? I thought Destiny was a game to allow everyone to choose their own path. What makes you path better or more boring than mine? If we all need to play the game the same exact way then just tell us that is what we need to do. Why do you and others care if I like to play Destiny solo with a touch of strikes and maybe one day a raid? How does it impact you and others if I patrol, farm, public event my way to access vendor items? Why must I do X amount of strikes and raids to be able to say I only do PvE? I think we all should play the game the way we want to. If I want to get Raid gear or IB gear then that should force me to do those things. Everything else should be available to everyone by different paths. If Crucible stuff is only for PvP then make the items perks they sell only PvP in nature. If that was the case I wouldn't care if I couldn't get it. I want to build my characters a specific way with specific perks. I can't do it with the vanguard items. But hey, if you really want me to play PvP then I will just to annoy every PvP lover. I will relish the day when I join a PvP game and everyone will start whining about THX 007 unless you are on the opposite team who I will play for. It is my new goal for Destiny now that Patrol-farm-PE gains nothing for me.
Althoug your way takes longer time, and is something id never do, I do agree. Why cant they just leave it inn and you can still choose to do that.
Patrol is PvE.
Patrol is not PvE. Patrol is part of PvE. You are missing out on so much of the game, that you really should not be complaining.
Player versus Environment or more commonly known as PvE.. The process of killing or participating events where the slaying of non player characters, or NPCs is the goal. Patrol is PvE. There is no denying that. While it's not the only way to interact with the game through PvE content, it's not a "part" of PvE. It's just one type of PvE event. A better way to explain it is it's a game type. Just like clash, skirmish or control are all PvP related game types, you have story, patrol, strike and raid. Different PvE game types.
I did a few strikes but like I said before, I have nerve damage and don't like being a hinderance to others. That is why I don't like PvP and stay away since I don't add anything other than an easy kill to the opposing team. The last few times I did strikes they were annoyed I died so much and didn't want to speed through it. I expect the people that do raids would be even worse. There is no option to take strikes or raids slower unless you know the people. I found a few but most like to do it fast and quick which is why I tend to avoid them.
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