Never said they weren't adding any PvE, just said they are removing alternatives some of us used to avoid PvP. I never read a complaint about a weapon being too OP in PvE and needed a nerf.
What they should have done was what DCUO did, separate armor for PvE and PvP. A level 30 PvE would be a level 1 in PvP and vice versa.
This way to be a level 30 in both you need 2 separate armor sets. Weapons should have either PvP boosts or PvE boosts.
That could be a step they use in the future, but Destiny will be a changing game until Destiny 2 comes out. I for one like the changes because I hated farming for materials. Waste of time. I only do Nightfall, Weekly Heroic, the raid, and occasionally Crucible nowadays so I don't want to be bothered by having to farm materials. That and I just bought Vanguard gear because that worked better with PvE.