Pvp should not be about who has the better gear. It should be about who has faster reflexes, who is more accurate and who pays better attention to his/her surroundings. With the exception of iron banner of course.
Edited by FalafelWaffle: 12/2/2014 9:26:23 AMBut it's not about any of that, it's about who has the best connection and has the suros and uses shotguns/fusion rifles.
This game definitely needs dedicated servers that are region and ping locked. However my VoC and Vanquisher frequently beat Suros users. As for dying at the hand of shotgun/fusion users, players need to pace themselves better. My KD is ok however I rarely die by shotguns or fusions. Mainly because I always play with the same group of people and we play clash more than anything else. Instead of running all over the map we'll end up controlling portions of the map and force the enemy to come to us which makes surviving in this game much easier.