I would like to nominate this as the Cry Baby thread / post of this patch.
This post has truly been amazing.
I am just bumping it because I enjoyed it so much as a perfect example of what I find is the worst posts of those who care way too much about a pointless little game.
Bungie is attempting to satisfy millions. You, Crybaby, couldn't see past your own controller if you tried.
I agree ... straight tear fest
Looks like some of the useless Battlefield forum posters have made their way to the Destiny forum.
Well he does have a point. They took out something that wasn't broken and had no negative effect. There was literally zero reason to remove mat exchange so it's a valid complaint.
Say he does have a point. Couldn't read all of that. Why not make a concise and professional sounding complaint instead of this "I am gonna just sit in pvp and do nothing. " you do t like this in strikes and raids, but it's ok in PvP? That is hypocritical. Or perhaps just a fraction of patience past 6 hours of release before the sky starts to crumble on our heads?
Edited by twinPrimesAreEz: 12/2/2014 4:14:33 PMAgreed, the wording of the original complaint seemed a little over the top
Don't care if picking flowers gets you a free exotic. Leaving is one thing, chump behavior, but your spot will be filled. Stand there and that is deliberate breaking of the game. Pvpers didn't ask for it and don't care less. 0.2 kd is better than 0.0. No reason to punish the wrong people. WoW public battlegrounds are the same way. Sok, you suck it up, try to at least learn something, get a kill that was sexy. Take your 2 chips to the cashier.
Well if you look at my stats I'm a completely average PvPer (~1 kd in Control which is all I really play). However, I HATE losing a match because some kid goes 1-20 with zero caps or worse just has bad gameplay. The other day the #1 player on my team was a lvl 26 who just camped A flag on blind watch. Yeah he had a lot of kills and caps cause he just took back A constantly everytime the rest of our team managed to get C and flip the spawns but damn it's annoying to play with people like that. Previously I had a close Control game where we lost and the last place guy had a 0.07 kd and 0 caps. Meanwhile he gets TLW and I got nothing. So in the end I would rather not play with people who either don't want to or don't know how to play. Just give them their freaking marks for mats; it helps them and me in the end
Oh snap! Not bad, just got my second Ice Breaker for being last in Rumble. Took me a long time to get my first one and BOOM, got another for playing bad in PvP. I think I see why you PvP users love it so much. KD 0.01 is my new goal. Maybe I can get another exotic today. I'm stoked!
If he wasn't bad at pvp this wouldn't be an issue for him
No excuse at all. I am terrible at PvP as well. I stand by my nomination along with this bump
Thanks for the bump. I forgot you should only post positive things and not provide feedback on what you don't like. If millions of players love the changes and I am only 1 of ten or less people that it hurt then so be it. As one of the other wise commenters pointed out, there are dozens of posts that have posted their displeasure with removing this option. I have yet to see any posts that requested and praised this content removal. Only vile, negative comments on this post and others. Not one point has been made to explain how removing this content improved the game or "leveled" the playing field. I never said to remove PvP stuff only pointed out most of the changes to Destiny have been geared towards PvP at the cost of PvE. I doubled checked the packaging of Destiny to see if I missed the part that said this game was heavily weighted towards PvP with a touch of PvE, solo play strongly discouraged and will be nerfed if progress is too fast and weapons/armor obtained by solo play is uncovered. Now they removed a big part of obtaining gear and weapons alternatively to playing PvP. Why remove options and content from a game that is lacking things already? Who cares if some players patrol 100% of the time or PvP 100% of the time? Who cares if someone could purchase Crucible items without playing in the Crucible? Why belittle a post because it is not what you like? Are you that much better than others that post things they do not like? I am surprised you had time to even post a comment so enlightening. I also expect to never see any complaints from your ilk about anything since every change made has improved the game. I also assume your life is miserable and to give people like yourself fake pleasure you comment with no constructive advice. I'll say a prayer for you and the other mean-spirited people that enjoy to belittle this post and others. Maybe your next post will be less on belittling and more on counter points that explain how a complaint made by someone is actually a positive thing and enlighten them on what they do not understand.
Yup. A mechanic that affected no one, wasn't a chest or glitch, that people enjoyed was removed with no warning. Of course people have the right to be annoyed with it. The update had no positive impact in my game at all, only negative
Yup. A mechanic that affected no one, wasn't a chest or glitch, that people enjoyed was removed with no warning. Of course people have the right to be annoyed with it. The update had no positive impact in my game at all, only negative
The bump is not for you but you are welcome. I only read the first sentences of your response. Your original post has said more than I ever could. I am sure the above does as well.
it is good advice for you to shut up if you have no clue what you are talking about mister hugeballs.
lol Great post :) I love this patch; f**k it - I love this game; things change, weapons fall in and out of fashion, but i really like this patch, what they have done, and the improvements they keep making. In fact; the only thing i dislike about the game really are all the blasted whining kids on these forums lol :D