Although I don't mind the pvp I much prefer the pve side so I kinda agree that it's a tad stupid to remove the swapping of mats for crucible marks.
What they should do is leave crucible vendor as crucible marks. Vanguard as vanguard marks and open up the faction vendors to either. I honestly can't understand why they haven't done this already?
I always said that the factions should have their own marks that are earned wearing their faction cloak/band/skirt. It already changed the rep you earn to that faction, might as well make it so it changes the marks to that faction as well. Leave crucible as crucible marks, leave vanguard as vanguard marks and do this with the others.
Yeah that's a good idea
If you want to spread the word on this, feel free to quote it. Just pay respect as to where you got it. This seems like the best course to make everyone happy from what i can see. You want FWC marks and rep? Time to don their class item. You can get marks and rep from any mode of play. PvP and PvE.