I would agree with you if it was PvP gear but it isn't really.
There are weapons and armor I want to customize my Guardian with the perks I use.
If you actually looked at the items you would see Int, Str, Dis and specific weapon perks.
I want to outfit my guardian with the best legendary items that provide me the most benefits.
I hate using the shotgun so why do I want armor that provide perks for that?
If I prefer to max my grenade stat, mix and matching items will do that.
If this was like DCUO, there would be PvP gear and there would be PvE gear. Let's not pretend Destiny is like that.
If I could customize my guardian to have only the perks I use without needing to obtain other vender gear then problem solved. The 2 vendors PvE only players have do not provide enough selection to accomplish this.
I don't see how the crucible vendor has any PvP weapon or armor. It is the same as the other vendors with different perks and mods.
Why equip armor with mods I don't use?
Example: I have a maxed Red Death. I hate it. The Crucible vendor gun Fair and Square is so much better for me. I can kill more things than I could with RD. It isn't even maxed and I can do more with that weapon.
If that is a PvP only gun why do I like it so much more over the exotic RD in PvE?
Answer, it isn't a PvP or PvE gun, it's a pulse gun I like over RD.
Why can I not buy this gun anymore without PvP?
Answer, because they took away the one way to buy this gun for my play style.
What harm is it to keep the mats for rep/marks?
It doesn't impact PvP, allows me to customize my guardian to fit my play style, which will motivate me to level the gear and do more strikes and raids.
Who cares if I waste time farming and trading. That is what I like and now they removed it from the game.
It wasn't a glitch or cheat but part of the game.
I was fine doing Patrol 99.9% of the time. How does my play style hurt everyone else's?
Maybe playing PvP all the time is stupid. It's a game and everyone should be able to play it as they want to without cheating no matter how stupid you think others are for playing it a specific way.
Red death is so much better you're drunk..