??? There's an entire armour and weapons vendor dedicated to pve players. It's called the vanguard! It's meant for those who want to play exclusively pve. The faction vendors and crucible vendors are for those who want to play both pve and pvp. Bungies design philosophy was around people playing both pvp and pve so it makes sense that the majority of the vendors are for those players. They still accommodate to pve exclusive players with the vanguard vendors. If you don't want to play crucible at all then you don't deserve the crucible or faction gear, you deserve the vanguard gear.
All that being said, I think it would be a smart move by bungie to allow faction gear to be purchased with vanguard marks as well. Would satisfy you pvers
Yeah? I have shit loads of crucible stuff I don't deserve because I never play it. Random drops. Duh
Look at the vendors that only take Crucible marks. Count them. 5 right? Now count the vendors that take Vanguard marks. 2 right? See a difference? I just want the factions to take Vanguard marks too. You can keep your true Crucible vendors. Let's just be fair with the vendors is all I'm asking.
[quote]All that being said, I think it would be a smart move by bungie to allow faction gear to be purchased with vanguard marks as well. Would satisfy you pvers[/quote] This right here makes the most sense. As far as the vanguard vendors go, not all the gear they sell matches to what play style we use. If you're a handcannon/fusion rifle user, forget about getting boots with perks that match that. The vendor sells ones for pulse rifles and one for scout rifles. You know who does? Dead Orbit. Now, how am I supposed to pay for these? Well, that simple, I HAVE to play pvp now. I am now being forced to play a section of the game I have absolutely no interest in playing. Which means, i will never get those boots. Yes, I could do the raid, but with the RNG system involved, i may never ever get what i need form it.
[quote]Yes, I could do the raid, but with the RNG system involved, i may never ever get what i need form it.[/quote] RNG by its very nature will give you anything and everything eventually. Saying you may never get what you want makes absolutely no sense. On a side note if you won't PvP or raid what the hell do you do in this game?
EVENTUALLY yes. But that "eventually" could mean the next raid or the 200th raid. If i can turn in mats that i receive from doing my bounties and patrols to help get some better gear in the meantime, I should be able. Now, i'm limited on where I can get my gear. [quote]On a side note if you won't PvP or raid what the hell do you do in this game?[/quote] For the record, I never said I would not do the raid. I am actually learning how do it. And PvP and the raid are not the only things to do in this game. Lots more. Bounties, Patrols, strike, nightfall, daily heroic mission, weekly heroic strikes.
Well learn fast the raid is literally the most fun and rewarding thing to do in this game. The only reason to do strikes is if your waiting on reset, and the only reason to to bounties is to upgrade gear. The best gear you can get is raid gear and IB gear you should work towards those.
It's not just about getting the gear dude/dudette. I actually enjoy the other parts of the game. I like doing the strikes. I like doing the bounties. I like doing the patrols missions. Shyte, I even like the farming that needed to be done. I am not playing this game to only do the raid. It's that kind of thinking that makes people get bored with it. If you think the only reason to play the strikes is to pass time until the reset, then what do you do when you get all the gear and weapons you want from the raid and upgrade them fully? Sit there with your thumb in your ass and complain on the forums that there is nothing to do because you rushed and finished everything within a month? If you already have everything you need then there is no need to do the raid anymore, which means you have now completed the game and have nothing left to do because strikes are for passing time for the raid and bounties are for upgrading gear.
Actually I'm not done yet I still need Pretorian Foil and raid gear for my titan. And guess what comes out in a few days. Yea that's rite the dark below. More content for me to enjoy. You need to face facts if you're not playing end game content you're not playing the game.
Of course. And i'm also guessing that you're the type of player who says unless you do the last raid in WoW you're not playing the whole game there either right?
Well I can't speak for a WoW players considering I've never played WoW myself, but following my train of thought your conclusion seems to be accurate.
You know who else think like that? My eleven year old nephew. His goal is to get to the end of the game and not worry about anything because the ultimate goal is to get to max level. You keep your way of thinking. I am going to enjoy the rest of the game.
Damn your nephew seems to be a very sharp kid.
Actually, he's not. He has Intellectual Development Disorder
[quote]Intellectual development disorder (IDD) is a neuro-developmental disorder characterized by deficits in general intellectual functioning such as reasoning, planning, judgment, abstract thinking, academic learning and experiential learning. These may also lead to impairments in practical, social and academic functioning. The symptoms of intellectual development disorder, a relatively new disorder, formerly fell under the umbrella of "mental retardation." [/quote] if your telling the truth you're a -blam!-ing asshole. Why would you reference your retarded nephew in an Internet argument? don't you care about your family? Your a -blam!-ing scumbag.
Just a simple comparison on how your way of thinking is similar to his. Don't like it? You can leave anytime.