Isn't vendor stock going to be updated with the DLC? And the three faction vendors only take crucible marks. I guess if they switch those three around to take either mark, then it won't be a big deal for people who don't like the crucible. It does take a lot longer to get 100 crucible marks than vanguard marks, if the only way to get crucible marks is finishing matches.
That is true, but I don't think many of the weapons in Destiny that are considered "top-tier" are faction weapons. The Vanguard Quartermaster sells Shadow Price, The Devil You Know, The Comedian, LIGHT/Beware and THE SWARM, all of which don't require PvP. You get some of the best weapons in the game (Fatebringer, Vision of Confluence, Found Verdict, Atheon's Epilogue, Corrective Measure) in the Raid, which doesn't require PvP. Even more so, you have a very high possibility of getting a faction weapon/armor through reputation gains, which are rewarded in high amounts via the Weekly and Nightfall events (which are PvE). Not saying it shouldn't be looked at, but it certainly isn't as big an issue that OP is making it. Most rewards come in bigger quantities and better qualities from PvE.