I always find it funny how the majority of the game's focus seems to be towards PVP in terms of attention from developers and a good portion of the player base. It's mostly funny because, when you open up the big nav menu you select your destination, Crucible gets that one tiny section on the map and PvE gets everything else (save the Tower). It's almost a 10:1 ratio, yet PVP gets a majority of the attention. I don't know how people are getting the most of this game from five different maps and five different game modes...
Your dumb
That's some very nice English you have there.
It's engrish
Coming from an expert I see. Great to see how horrible PvP Guardians communicate. I hope I can bring your precious K/D down since it is so OP and all that. I hope I used your lingo correctly. It's hard to sink into the trash as deep as you haters live.
what about my dumb
Damn I was going to say that.